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气闸室的两个门不可以同时打开。Both airlock doors should not be opened simultaneously.

用水填装气密室以保证空气流通。Attach the bung and the airlock, making sure to fill the airlock halfway with water.

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长寿命的水冷马达,采用防湿气的气密室设计紧配轴封。Water cooled motors for long life, with anti airlock design and moisture tight seals.

一周后,洗净并消毒大玻璃瓶、塞子、气阀和塑料管。After a week, clean and sanitize the carboy, the bung, the airlock and the plastic tubing.

去除桶盖和气密室并且增加停止发酵的物质来加快定性。Remove the bung and airlock and add whatever you are using to stop fermentation and to encourage settling.

适用多种气塞装置,不破坏真空度状态下进行持续烘干。Can achieve continuous drying without breaking the vacuum by utilizing a variety of airlock configurations.

同年,空间站又增加了两个太空舱——美国气闸舱和俄罗斯气闸舱及连接埠。Also in 2001, two additional modules -- a U.S. airlock and a Russian airlock and docking port -- were added.

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建筑物包括紧急出口,该紧急出口由气锁至少连接至建筑物的内部。The building comprises an emergency exit that is connected by an airlock at least to the interior of the building.

阿达玛总统威胁将终极五人中的哪一个扔进减压舱,以此来打破与狄安娜及叛变赛昂舰队的僵局?。Which of the Final Five Cylons does President Adama threaten to airlock in order to break the stalemate with D'Anna and the rebel Cylon fleet?

身处真空中而死亡是科幻小说中常见的情节,不管是从气压过渡仓被扔了出去还是抓破了自己的太空衣。Deathdue to exposure to vacuum is a staple of science fiction plots, whetherthe unfortunate gets thrown from an airlock or ruptures their spacesuit.

无菌工艺气闸的目的是排除从较低级别区域的尘埃粒子和微生物污染侵入。The intent of an aseptic processing airlock is to preclude ingress of particulate matter and microorganism contamination from a lesser controlled area.

当阿纳金在密封舱走廊面对那三个死定了的战斗机器人时,背景里的那一个惊慌失措,疯狂地试图激活开关。When Anakin confronts the three doomed battle droids in the airlock corridor, the one in the background them panics and frantically tries to activate the controls.

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物质在实用点与输送空气分离,然后通过蝶阀或滑动闸门阀分批排出,或者通过旋转气闸阀门持续排出。Material is separated from the conveying air at the use point, then discharged on a batch basis via butterfly or slide gate valves, or continuously via rotary airlock valves.

备用冷却剂泵由波音公司制造,重780磅,刚好安装在空间站气闸舱前部的一个外工作面上,相对接近于故障泵模组。The spare 780-pound coolant pump, built by Boeing, is mounted on an external platform just in front of the station’s airlock module, relatively close to the faulty pump module.

以WY100型液压挖掘机的液压系统为例,较全面地论述了气穴现象产生的机理,造成的危害及应采取的防范措施。Based on the analyzing to the hydraulic system of WY100 excavator, the mechanism of airlock was studied, and effective measures against the consequences of airlock were presented.