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更多的关于挖掘自信心的方法.More ways to unearth unshakeable confidence.

当你更深地挖掘,你便是“窃取”你所发掘的了。When you dig deeper you steal what you unearth.

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我必须要挖掘出问题所在,而且我试图找到解释。I had to unearth the problem and I was looking for a way to explain it.

她还找出了如何运行这个装置的一本薄薄的手册。She was also able to unearth a flimsy manual on how to operate the device.

不久他开始发现公司在会计方面存在不当行为。Months after taking the job, he began to unearth accounting improprieties. Mr.

在挖掘网络世界一流的可视化数据方面,丘有着无可比拟的敏锐力。Yau has an unerring ability to unearth the best data visualisations on the web.

水星与冥王星的第二次相遇可能会挖掘出一些遗漏掉的讯息。Mercury has a second meeting with Pluto, which may unearth some missing information.

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他们划船到了海岸边,开始准备寻宝,幻想着能找到好大一笔财宝。They rowed to the shore and began there to measure, hoping to unearth a bountiful treasure.

为了找一个简单的事实,这位硕士研究生费力地查阅了数百页的资料。The graduate student ploughed through hundreds of pages of material to unearth a single fact.

有时候,矿工会把挖到的红钻误认作石榴石或红宝石。Very rarely, miners unearth red diamonds, which are sometimes mistaken for garnets or rubies.

最近一次田野季节里,他们还找到了LB1的长臂骨。不过,他们找到的第二个下颚,据说形态与大小都与LB1一样。But they did unearth a second lower jaw that they say is identical in size and shape to LB1's.

不过,他们找到的第二个下颚,据说形态与大小都与LB1一样。But they did unearth a second lower jaw that they say is identical in size and shape to LB1' s.

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纳博科夫,专业恶作剧写作家,为细心的读者埋藏了所有种类的彩蛋以供挖掘。Nabokov, the authorial prankster, buried Easter eggs of every sort for careful readers to unearth.

你们谈论得越多,你们两越有可能将此前犹豫不敢言的感受说出来。The more you talk, the more you’ll both unearth fantasies you may have been hesitant to voice before.

我们分析了很多国家近一个世纪来的社会状况以期揭示有据可循的规律。We analysed a large number of countries, over almost a century, to unearth some empirical regularities.

这艘巨大的船体掩埋在街面标高以下30英尺处,工人们和考古学家们一起将它挖掘出来。Workers and archaeologists worked together to unearth the monster vessel, buried 30ft below street level.

挖掘他们内心深处埋藏的激情并搅动它需要费一番功夫,但是之后你会发现自己陷身于情爱的狂风暴雨中。The effort has to be made to unearth and stir the deep buried passions and then you become the vortex of their life.

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其出土文献,七千年前即有发现而春秋战国及有正式文献记载。The earliest unearth art can be updates to seven thousands years ago, and official document for lazurite around 403 B.

但是任何人都很快可以利用这种技术来识别过往的行人和挖掘出他们个人的详细资料吗?But could such technology soon be used by anyone at all, to identify random passers-by and unearth personal details about them?

这不仅需要部长们多花费些时间,而且还会暴露一些问题,引发一些提案,在某一个安静的周末暴露在大庭广众之前,起到毁灭性的效果。It steals ministerial time and can unearth problems and proposals that can be exposed on a quiet weekend to devastating effect.