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这一判断听来是刺耳的。That judgment seems harsh.

那里等待着他的审判。There awaits his judgment.

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他的判断很有分量。His judgment carries weight.

我特此保留我的评断。I hereby reserve my judgment.

你在衡量他们的判断力。That you value their judgment.

她不相信我的判断吗?Does she not trust my judgment?

我想这种判断是错的。I think this judgment is wrong.

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判决宣告我们败诉。The judgment passed against us.

这是一个初步判断。This is a preliminary judgment.

人们自有公论。People have their fair judgment.

预判或预先评判“prejudgment" or "prior judgment."

最后审判近在眼前了。For the Last Judgment draweth nigh.

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最后审判近在面前了。For the Last Judgment draweth nigh.

解除一些关于末日审判的担心。Kill some worry about Judgment Time.

要一直等到最后审判日和喇叭声?Until judgment day and trumpets sound?

他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力。His ad-lib comments showed poor judgment.

审判日时,上帝复活死者。On Judgment Day, God resurrects the dead.

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该证据对我下判断具有重大影响。The evidence weighed with me in judgment.

把我的心的判断力钩得牢牢?Whereto the judgment of my heart is tied?

你需要在两者中间找到平衡。You need judgment somewhere in the middle.