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我不想吊在一棵枝形吊灯上。I don't want to dangle from a chandelier.

这盏大吊灯从设计到制造都是在澳大利亚完成的。This chandelier was designed and made in Austria.

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那盏漂亮的技形吊灯在天花板上。The beautiful chandelier depends from the ceiling.

吊在天花板上的骨头就像是一个阴森的枝形吊灯。Bones hung from the ceiling like a macabre chandelier.

枝形吊灯悬挂在舞厅天花板上。The chandelier depends from the ceiling of the ballroom.

这盏巨大的吊灯有七米多高The huge crystal chandelier is more than seven metres high

在灯光的使用上,吊灯和壁灯则完全可以剔除。Use in lighting, chandelier and wall lamp is fully removed.

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巨大的玻璃吊灯从房顶掉落,砸伤了一位女士。the huge glass chandelier fell from the roof,injuring a woman.

在巨大的愤怒中,他将一个巨型的装饰灯打落在舞台上。In great anger, he makes a huge chandelier fall onto the stage.

巨大的玻璃吊灯从房顶掉落,砸伤了一位女士。the huge glass chandelier fell from the roof,injuring a woman.

一名妇女被枝形吊灯砸死,另外许多人被砸伤。One woman was killed by the chandelier , and many people were hurt.

一个与众不同的巨型水晶吊灯立马就映入你的眼帘。a huge and unusual crystal chandelier will immediately catch your eye.

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房间里的枝形吊灯是在穆拉诺定制设计的,为了搭配画作。The room's chandelier was custom designed in Murano to match the paintings.

他转身面对着一个被东西盖着的吊灯,它是用油布盖着的。he turns to a chandelier which is draped in a covering. It's draped in a tarp.

这段话能够说明吊灯里的巨蟒倒底能够放出多少能量来了。Here we see just how far that anaconda in the chandelier can project its power.

他们头顶上悬着一盏挂在镀金天花板上的三层巨型水晶吊灯。Over them looms a triple-tiered crystal chandelier hung from the gold-plated ceiling.

美丽的金叶枝形吊灯和大理石地板在华丽的酒店大厅欢迎您。A gold-leaf chandelier and marble floors extend a stylish welcome in the majestic lobby.

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当他说这些话的时候,助手就把油布掀开了,然后就看到吊灯那里有火星飞出来。And when he says that, his workers pull off the tarp and sparks fly from the chandelier.

顶面马赛克图腾的中心挂着罩着蓝色玻璃的枝形吊灯。In the middle of the centerpiece mosaic hangs a chandelier encased in a blue glass cube.

风琴曲一边演奏,吊灯一边慢慢地旋转着,飞向观众席。and while that plays, then the chandelier slowly swings out and flies over the audience.