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紫雨风暴。Purple Storm.

紫色的散文。Purple prose.

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穿紫色衬衫的。Purple shirt.

会不会是紫色土!Can is purple soil!

深沉的暗紫色。Deep opaque purple.

酒体呈深紫色。A deep purple color.

落下她紫色的褶边。drops her purple hem.

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它是紫的和蓝的。It is purple and blue.

他的脸都变“青”了。His face turned purple.

紫球,粉球。Pink ball, purple ball.

紫色,紫色的花。Purple . Purple flower.

紫环点头。The purple wreath nods.

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把花涂成紫色。Color the flower purple.

我的手指淤青泛紫。My finger is all purple.

你口唇发过紫吗?。Have you had purple lips?

我从没看过一头紫牛。I never saw a purple cow.

紫雨啊紫雨!Purple rain! Purple rain!

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春天的紫堇。The purple Jin in spring.

它是一条深紫色的裙子。It is a dark purple dress.

直到落下夜的紫帐。Till purple evenings fall.