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能否使我们的免疫系统脱敏呢?Can we desensitize our immune systems?

闻太多的香味你的鼻子会麻木?Does sniffing too many scents desensitize your nose?

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如果能够使颈动脉体失敏,能否使这些临床表型发生逆转?If you desensitize the carotid body can you reverse the phenotype?

布什曼相信暴力游戏导致年轻人对暴力不敏感。Bushman believes that violent video games desensitize young people.

在电视上看太多暴力,会使人对暴力麻木不仁。Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.

我一直无法到脱敏,永远不会再试一次。I have not been able to desensitize and will not ever try that again.

刷马使马习惯于被控制并帮助马在一些他怕痒的地方脱敏。It accustoms a horse to being handled and helps to desensitize ticklish areas.

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恐惧可以是毫无理性的,而且在这种情况下,采用的方法应该是降低自己的敏感性。Fear can be irrational, and in this case the approach should be to desensitize oneself.

她对父母隐瞒了这个秘密,担心秘密暴露会令父母震惊。She concealed the secluded from her parents, fearing the exposure would desensitize them.

以中文的方式发布的种族主义言论并不能减轻问题的严重性。The fact that these racist comments were spoken in Chinese does NOT desensitize the issue.

患过敏反应的人有时可用注射针剂以帮助脱敏。People who suffer from allergies can sometimes be given injections to help desensitize them.

或者是否认为,亲眼见证死刑的执行只会单纯的减少人们对死刑的敏感性?Or do you think , like many, that witnessing executions would simply desensitize citizens about death?

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甚至更为糟糕的是,只是沉溺于生殖器官的接触,他们也许会逐渐失去其他性敏感区的敏感性。Even worse, by focusing only on their genital contact, they may gradually desensitize other erogenous zones.

目的研究用氟保护漆处理基牙后是否会影响用玻璃离子水门汀粘固的金属烤瓷冠的固位。Fluoride protector was used to desensitize the prepared teeth before the crowns were cemented in the experimental group.

这些仪式开始,以脱敏非常易受影响和害怕青年什么它的像上帝的抵抗军这一件的。Those rituals begin to desensitize the very impressionable and afraid youth to what it's like to be in the Lord's Resistance Army.

看太多的暴力影视,视频和玩电子会让孩子对暴力不敏感。Too much exposure to violence on TV and in movies, music videos, and video and computer games can desensitize children to violence.

你逐渐地对你以往会感觉不舒服的事情没有感觉了,你将它列入了新的”正常“范畴。And so you gradually desensitize yourself to social situations or whatever you are uncomfortable with. You make it the new "normal" for you.

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结论脱敏治疗对青霉素皮试阳性梅毒病人可短暂脱敏,为病人争取了最佳治疗方案。Conclusions desensitization therapy can desensitize the syphilis patient with positive reaction to penicillin skin test transitorily so it tries for the best therapy for the patients.

烟碱样受体属于配体门控性离子通道受体,参与调节体内许多生理过程。Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, a ligand-gated ion channels, mediates many important physiological processes. Chronic nicotine administration could desensitize nicotinic receptors.