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他迷迷糊糊地改变了注意。He changed his mind mistily.

他对这件事的解释有些含糊。He explained it somewhat mistily.

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他对这件事的解释有些含糊。He explained the matter somewhat mistily.

房间的椽条上缠着薄纱和毛茸茸的纱线。Bits of tulle and fuzzy yarn hang mistily from the rafters.

妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。Wife is flapping Run in the house and harrumphing the sleep song mistily.

一天夜晚,我正睡得迷迷糊糊,突然,感觉有一双手在抚摸我。A day of night, I am sleeping mistily , abrupt, the feeling has one both hands is touching me.

很多曾经的梦想和希冀都在现实的激流中沉淀,留下的是昨日梦幻缥缈的美丽。Many dreams and expectations have fallen to the bottom of the flowing river of reality, only leaving a loop of beauty shining mistily.

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我们需要他理解我们的网站,如果他来了一个网站迷迷糊糊呆了两分钟却不能做什么,就很难被他们找得到。We need him to understand our website, if he came, a website stayed two minutes what to cannot do however mistily , be searched very hard to get by them.

我们从不过问对方的过往,只各自面目模糊地在这个大都会的一个偏僻角落里孤独生存。We never mediate with coming and going of the other party, just respectively facial statement mistily at this mostly will of the loneliness in a strange turn exist.

说实话,菲菲是那种很妩媚的女人,这种暧昧的接触让我禁不住心神荡漾,模模糊糊的奇思怪想了一个晚上。Tell the truth, luxuriant and beautiful is the sort of very lovely wife, this kind of ambiguous contact lets me be unable to bear or endure mind ripples, surprise mistily think of crotchet night.