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热是朝这个方向流动的。Heat is flowing this way.

保持射弹流畅。Keep the bullets flowing.

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河水缓缓地流动。The river is flowing slowly.

江水滚滚向东流。River is flowing into the east.

蜜甜蜂有剌。Flowing with sweetness or honey.

可我们找到了淙淙小溪Still we find the flowing brooks

这条街上人如流水般的那样多。This street is flowing with men.

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小鸟清歌泉流轻注。Chanting bird and flowing fountain.

历史,是长流的河。History is a river flowing forever.

一些液体正从树里流出来。Some fluid was flowing from the tree.

创造性可以让你思如泉涌。Creativity can get your juices flowing.

落花有意随流水。In the stream were the flowers flowing.

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河水永不止,永远向前走。Water never stops, it's always flowing.

但至少它使汁液流畅。but at least it got the juices flowing.

鲜血还在继续从他的尸体中汩汩流出。Blood was still flowing from his corpse.

他骑灭马,陈血从腰部流上去。He rode on, blood flowing from his side.

他的散文文笔流畅。His essays are of an easy flowing style.

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越来越多的资金流向了更少的风投公司。More dollars are flowing to fewer firms.

江水流到湖中。One of the rivers flowing into the lake.

昆都仑河无水流。The Kundulun River has no water flowing.