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残旧的城堡。Klunky castle.

还是盖一座城堡?Or to build a castle?

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四野无人既城堡!The Castle with no body!

博得鲁姆的土耳其城堡。Turkey castle of Bodrum.

康辉旅行社我们去看看那座城堡吧。Let's go to see the castle.

在我那座云上的城堡。Not in my castle on a cloud.

温莎堡城堡和城镇。Windsor castle and the town.

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这个城堡座落在山顶上。The castle lies on a hilltop.

这座城堡现在已成一片废墟了。The castle now lies in ruins.

白云上有一座城堡。There is a castle on a cloud.

天哪,我的沙堡冲没了!Oh no, my sand castle is gone!

从1070年城堡开始修建。The Castle began life in 1070.

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这是阿科小镇上的古堡。This is the old castle of Arco.

我们朝城堡前进。We advanced towards the castle.

巴比在用沙堆城堡。Ba Bi is building a sand castle.

城堡的墙很厚。The castle walls are very thick.

岛城最佳观景平台。Castle the best viewing platform.

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这座城堡沉浸在历史之中。The castle is steeped in history.

停下来游览这个中世纪的古堡。Stop and visit the medieval castle.

那城堡曾用作监狱。The cAStle had been used AS a gaol.