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我觉得是I suspect we are.

我对他的动机表示怀疑。I suspect his motives.

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假定所有输入都可疑。Assume all input is suspect.

你疑心病太重了。You are too quick to suspect.

他们跟踪那个嫌疑犯。They tailed after the suspect.

她为嫌疑犯作保。She posted bail for the suspect.


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一名疑犯被宣判犯了抢劫罪。A suspect was convicted of robbery.

司法官对嫌疑人表达了谢意。And the sheriff thanked the suspect.

他的话语有一种怀疑的声调。His words were intoned with suspect.

我们揣想他们会晚来一会儿。We suspect they'll be a little late.

这个可疑分子受到监视。This suspect comes under observation.

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兄弟姐妹都怀疑她是个间谍。All poeple suspect which her is a spy.

警方称,犯罪嫌疑人是一名逃兵。Police said the suspect is a deserter.

他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象。He's a prime suspect in the murder case.

我真怀疑自己是到了一个童话世界。I suspect I have arrived in a fairyland.

我猜想他总是因此而饱受折磨。I suspect he always struggled with that.

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我对这种人对较高级事物的鉴赏力表示怀疑。I suspect their taste in higher matters.

我们疑心这个证件是伪造的。We suspect the paper to be a counterfeit.

我一直怀疑自己有梦游的习惯。I always suspect that I have somnambulism.