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这是傻瓜相机。This is an autofocus camera.

可自动对焦的320万像素摄像头。Take photos with a 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera.

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.全新更快的11点自动对焦,最猛的是统统都是十字对焦点。"World's fastest autofocus" with 11-point biaxial AF system

相机配备了11点自动对焦传感器,而ISO等级则在200-6400间可调。There is an 11-point autofocus sensor while ISO sensitivity ranges between 200 and 6,400.

这样就可以使用一个简单的电路按光电探测器上的输出进行自动聚焦。A simple circuit generates an autofocus signal based upon the output of the photodetector.

当我们人类看周围的世界时,我们那自动聚焦的眼睛试图看清每样东西。When we humans look at the world about us, our autofocus eyes tend to see everything in-focus.

镜头内部装有专用的锂电池,为镜头变焦和自动对焦提供电力。A dedicated Li-ion battery, which is built into the lens barrel, powers the zoom and autofocus.

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合成孔径声呐成像中,主要通过自聚焦校正剩余相位误差。In synthetic aperture sonar imaging, the residual phase error is mainly corrected via autofocus.

手动调焦的相机使用线性偏光镜,很多的自动调焦相机则使用圆形偏光镜。Manual-focus cameras use a linear polarizer, while many autofocus cameras use a circular version.

它还具备自动昼夜转换,12倍光学变焦,4倍数码变焦和自动聚焦功能。It offers automatic day and night functionality, 12X optical zoom, 4X digital zoom, and autofocus.

那是因为,这款相机的自动对焦感应器能够一直受光。That’s only possible because, in this camera, the autofocus sensor can see the scene all the time.

在左边的照片里,你可以利用画面底部的亮处进行自动对焦。In the photo to the left, autofocus would be almost guaranteed by using the bright light at the bottom.

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介绍了一种新颖的利用自聚焦光纤对半导体激光束的准直技术。This paper described the novel collimation technique of semiconductor laser with autofocus optical fiber.

自聚焦主要由两个重要步骤组成,即相位误差估计和相位误差校正。Autofocus generally encompasses two distinct steps, i. e. phase error estimation and phase error compensation.

如果你想自动对焦至无限远,只要将相机对准月亮,自动对焦,然后重新调整稳定。If you wish to autofocus at infinity, just aim your camera at the moon, autofocus, then recompose accordingly.

高效的自动对焦和防抖系统加上全天候密封一起构成了一个让人无法拒绝的组合。Effective autofocus and image stabilization systems, plus full weather sealing, round off a compelling package.

第一次年夜范围消费的主动对焦相机柯尼卡C35主动对焦,一个简单的拍摄形式,并在1977年发布。The first mass-produced autofocus camera was the Konica C35 AF, a simple point and shoot model released in 1977.

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提出了一种基于高阶统计量分析的相位误差估计算法,用于SAR图像自聚焦。In this paper, a new method of phase errors estimation based on higher order statistics is proposed for SAR imagery autofocus.

宾得我,男,该传感器用于集中在机身加上机动镜头,成为第一个自动对焦35毫米单镜反光相机于1981年。The Pentax ME-F, which used focus sensors in the camera body coupled with a motorized lens, became the first autofocus 35 mm SLR in 1981.

该视频拍摄功能最吸引人之处在于,这是尼康首次采用的拍摄全程自动对焦和录音功能。What makes that video feature so intriguing is that this is the first Nikon to feature full-time autofocus and audio while shooting video.