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来自凯撒桂冠上。Came from Caesar's laurel crown.

她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。He turned Daphne into a laurel tree.

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啊,原她活得像绿色的月桂一样O may she live like some green laurel

自此,这棵树就叫做月桂树。Since then, the tree is called laurel.

他得摆好戴著月木樨冠的姿态。He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath.

我看过很多劳莱和哈代拍的电影。I've seen lots of Laurel and Hardy films.

我们欢迎劳雷尔和洛林的团队。We welcomed Laurel and Lorraine to the team.

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斯坦·劳雷尔出生在阿盖尔街3号。Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street.

其巨大的立柱为月桂和木兰花所环绕。Its huge columns were wreathed with laurel and magnolia.

凯撒大帝戴一顶月桂花冠是因为他快要秃顶了。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath because he was going bald.

弗拉格斯塔夫成员站KJZZ的劳雷尔·莫拉莱斯将带来报道。From member station KJZZ in Flagstaff, Laurel Morales reports.

同时,桂和汤米陷入了尴尬的境地。Meanwhile, Laurel and Tommy get caught in an awkward situation.

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若爱情因背叛而痛苦,则虽月桂也无法常青。And love grown bitter with treason, and laurel outlives not May.

赵耀祖让小桂服用金丹,小桂中毒身亡。Take then Zhao Yaozu let small laurel, small laurel was poisoned.

恺撒大帝带月桂花环以遮掩自己日益稀少的头发。Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover the onset of baldness.

他很伤心的抱著月桂树哭泣,可是月桂树却不停的摇摆。He is very sad embraced laurel cry, but the laurel but keep swinging.

在枝节缠绕的月桂树丛的对面,传来了他尖促的声音。His squeaky voice came from beyond the tangle of saplings and laurel.

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葵花探望桂兰,更向她说出正龙等人四出赚钱之事。Sunflower visit the laurel orchid, more to tell her are dragons, etc.

月桂树是他的圣木,最喜欢的宠物是海豚和乌鸦。Laurel is his holy wood, the most favorite pet the dolphins, and crows.

达夫尼被阿波罗穷追不舍,最后被变成一棵桂树。Daphne was pursued by Apollo and was at last changed into a laurel tree.