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音乐是世界上最迷人的事物。Music is the most enthralling phenomenon in the world.

文佛山茶道馆是景区最有神韵的一景。Wenfu Teahouse is one of the most enthralling attractions.

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多数的书评对这觉得这本书相当吸引人。Most of the critics found this book absolutely enthralling.

音乐是世界上最迷人的一种事物。Thoma erger Music i the most enthralling henomeno i the world.

我时常能从福音中发现新的神光、发现隐密和奥妙的意义。I'm always finding fresh lights there, hidden and enthralling meanings.

该纪录片是迷人嘀和引人如胜嘀,尤其是那些对中国嘀。The documentaries are fascinating and enthralling , especially those about China.

奥巴马在一次访谈中说,这本书“很精彩”,让他的女儿很着迷。Obama called it a "wonderful book" that was enthralling his daughter in an interview.

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但是所有的这些让今天的情节跟上个星期的一样引人入胜。But all that brutality made this episode just as entertaining and enthralling as last week's.

悬疑、欢喜和诱惑让你沉浸其中,直到苦乐参半吸引人的的结局。The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in 'till the bittersweet enthralling end.

而尽管这不一定会带来魅力足球,说话、搬家的穆里尼奥也绝对迷人。And while it may not lead to captivating football, the talking, moving Mourinho is never less than enthralling.

全书的开头相当扣人心弦,写得既有戏剧性又不影响其明晰性。The opening of his book is enthralling , written with a sense of drama that does nothing to affect its clarity.

本周四,米兰作为欧洲冠军的最后表演即将上演,但是欧洲冠军依然是令人神往而且享有盛誉的。On Thursday the final act as European champions will be completed. Final, but always enthralling and prestigious.

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有把现代历史当做一个迷人的进步史的人,也有把它看作一个冗长噩梦的人。There are those who see modern history as an enthralling tale of progress, and those who view it as one long nightmare.

它仿佛是人类在大自然这块天然画布上挥毫舞墨的一大杰作,画面独特而尽显迷人之境。The road is akin to man’s stroke of brush on nature’s canvas and the view and the ride it offers is both unique and enthralling.

跌宕起伏的比赛很吸引人,最后我们4-3获胜。当然,作为一场本地德比还是有很多争议。The see-saw drama of it was enthralling before we emerged 4-3 winners and naturally, being a local derby, there was controversy.

弗格森希望在足总杯4比0大胜阿森纳可以增加红魔在英超联赛夺冠的机会。Sir Alex Ferguson is hopeful that United's enthralling 4-0 FA Cup victory over Arsenal will further enhance the Reds' title aspirations.

我们使用日常生活中使用的物品和色彩缤纷的教材,令孩子能欢愉地学习。Enthralling real life objects will be used to enhance your children's learning development and their wonderful experience in this program.

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这场吸引人的英超比赛里,维甘领先了近一个小时并似乎可以成为第一支在酋长球场打败阿森纳的球队。For nearly an hour of this enthralling Premiership clash, Wigan looked likely to become the first team to beat Arsenal at Emirates Stadium.

在3比3进球大战中,丹麦青年国脚萨里奇补时阶段的射门帮助麦克马洪的球队赢得比赛一分。Danish youth international Nikola Saric struck deep into stoppage time to earn McMahon's side a share of the spoils after an enthralling 3-3 draw.

一些做硬编码计算机编程的人们如今在早期Web迷人的时光里开始接触HTML和CGI。Some of us who find ourselves doing hard-core computer programming today got our start with HTML and CGI in the enthralling days of the early web.