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我要讲述一位绿林好汉的故事I shall tell you of a good yeoman

如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。The yeoman warders manage it now.

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她舅舅在军舰上当了两年文书军士。Her uncle spent two years on a warship as a yeoman.

除此之外,雅曼女士还销售自制的问候卡片。Ms. Yeoman also sells self-illustrated greeting cards.

垄断竞争中自耕农定价模式。A yeoman farmer model of price setting under monopolistic competition.

决定着国家的政策的是农民和小生产者,而非贵族。It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's policies.

Pakula女士的著作用事实权衡事实,是历史研究的忠实作品。Ms. Pakula’s book is a yeoman work of historical research, with fact grinding against fact.

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在早期美国,家庭是一个生产单位,分为自耕农家庭和种植园家庭。Family was a production unit in early America. Yeoman farm family and planter family existed.

其中的一些功不可没,找来了很多单词的历史线索。Some of these volunteers did yeoman service, bringing in evidence of many thousands of words.

公司认为员工的卓越贡献是治亿科技成功的关键,通过双方的共同努力达到“双赢”。Our company believes that workers' yeoman service is the key to success. Reach win-win with joint efforts.

我们所说的这个人长的还很结实,有着橡木般的狠心肠,这个人就是杰拉德!假摔的大师!We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the trailing leg.

农业是英国资本主义的基础,约曼又是农业资本主义的发动者、农村社会的“脊梁”。Agriculture was a foundation of capitalism of England, but it was yeoman who initiated the agricultural capitalism and became a backbone in agricultural society.

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三分之二的白人家庭属于这个阶级,我们称他们是约曼农民,贫穷的白人,或者没有地的农民Two-thirds of the white South remained in those classes we've come to call the yeoman farmers, the poor whites, or the sand hill farmers, as they were sometimes called.

这名女性的姓名还未被公开。Woollard说她曾在武装部队服役,将于2007年夏天加入到伦敦塔护卫队。Woollard said the woman, whose name has not yet been made public, was serving in the armed forces and "will join her new colleagues in the Yeoman Body at the Tower of London in summer 2007".

这次受邀参与调查的人员除Linux基金会终端用户理事会之外,还有由Linux基金会和约曼共同选定的其他公司、组织和政府机构。This invitation-only survey pool was comprised of the Linux Foundation End User Council as well as other companies, organizations and government agencies selected by The Linux Foundation and Yeoman.

这名新护卫兵的头衔全称为“女王陛下皇宫、堡垒伦敦塔侍卫,特任伦敦塔君主保镖。”The new Beefeater's full job title will be "Yeoman Warder of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary".