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明度水平影响辨识的效应。The influence of changing brightness.

只要一个高亮度的LED灯就够了。A single high brightness LED is enough.

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亮光刺得她眯起眼睛。Her eyes squinted against the brightness.

太阳的光辉使他心情好了起来。The brightness of the sun cheered him up.

他们体现了他们的勇气和智慧。They embodied their courage and brightness.

亮度极大后为上升减速运动。After the maximum brightness it decelerated.

☆纯三基色灯管,显色好,亮度佳。Junzo color tubes, color, and brightness good.

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朕民族的光芒穿越到远方。I am eager to deliver brightness of our nation.

血,血的炙热,血的湿润,血的闪亮。The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

成膜光亮,硬度高,不产生银纹。The film is brightness. High rigidity, no veins.

小辉在一次施工中身负重伤。Small brightness load personally in construction.

用最喜欢的颜色,把墙壁刷得明亮。Your favorite color will give brightness in walls.

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使用51-1026能使闪光亮度达到最高点。Use of 51-1026 gives maximum brightness of glitter.

采纳应用1W大功率长寿命、非常好亮度白色LED灯泡。With 1W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

只有她爱意的光芒才可以让你从黑转白。Till her kind beams thy black so brightness turneth.

世界正向着光明和进步的目标迈进。The world is marching toward brightness and progress.

采用0.5W大功率长寿命、超高亮度白色LED灯泡。With 0.5W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

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采用1.5W大功率长寿命、超高亮度白色LED灯泡。With 1.5W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

血,血的炙热,血的湿润,血的闪亮。Blood. The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

光效高、显色性好、亮度高。High luminous efficiency, good color, high brightness.