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这种想法根本无用That's hopeless.

看来我是没指望了。I think I am hopeless here.

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情况好像不可救药了。The situation seemed hopeless.

浪漫主义者和现实主义者。Hopeless romantics and realists.

创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz.

这并不像你想象的那么没有希望。It"s not so hopeless as you imagined.

归期遥遥无望日了。Far away hopeless day of date of return.

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我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有*的。I tell you hopeless grief is passionless.

他的健康根本没有好转的希望。His health is hopeless of any improvement.

没希望,肯定不会是件好事。Hopeless in life, is sure a no-good thing.

我们的牛都死了,我们没什么希望。All our cattle died and we became hopeless.

他舍家而去,撇下了绝望的妻子。He left home with his wife a hopeless soul.

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出于某种原因,被洪水淹没似乎更无希望。Somehow, being inundated seems more hopeless.

如今你总该知道他是完全无可救药了。You must know by now that he's quite hopeless.

为烦恼而疯狂,为无望的爱情悲喜。Or crazed with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.

你对这儿的投机事业认为是绝望的。You look on this adventure over here as hopeless.

是的,那长梦里也有绝望与忧伤。Yes! tho' that long dream were of hopeless sorrow.

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最近是否感到情绪低落,忧郁或无望?Have you recently felt down, depressed or hopeless?

简直糟糕得无可救药,真是成事不足败事有余。They're a hopeless mess. They get everything wrong.

我这样说她,那是全无希望的拙劣废话。This is all hopeless twaddle that I am saying about her.