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新鲜的是他们获得的支持不再局限于少数尖锐的本土主义者。What is new is that they are gaining traction beyond a shrill nativist minority.

摘要本土运动是指一个主位文化因客位文化的冲击而引起的重整反应。The nativist ic movement refers to the host culture's reaction to the impact of another culture.

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然而,史密斯是一个天主教徒,而天主教徒或多或少继承了一些曾经是针对互济会会员的本土主义敌对意识。But Smith was a Catholic, a group that had inherited some of the nativist animus once aimed at Freemasons.

还有,部分意大利政治家曾毫不隐讳地以本土保护主义语气抵制建清真寺。瑞士公投肯定会予这些人以鼓励。And the Swiss vote will certainly give heart to politicians in Italy who are resisting mosques in frankly nativist terms.

更糟的是,认为外来农民占用城市道路和服务的思想在很多城市引发了排外活动。Worse, the perception that villagers are straining roads and services is triggering an ugly nativist backlash in many cities.

台湾现代主义文学在乡土文学兴起后的变化情形,是一个耐人寻味的问题。The changes on Taiwan's modern literature after the emergence of nativist literature have always been an issue worthy of discussion.

因此,1980年代中国艺术坛开始出现一批具民族、文化、乡土特色的写实画作,绘出画坛新景象。Thus in the 1980s a new art scene emerged, dominated by a group of realist painters with nationalistic, cultural, and nativist orientations.

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很多人对特朗普主义和欧洲本土主义运动的兴起的反应是阅读历史,尤其是20世纪30年代的历史。Many people are reacting to the rise of Trumpism and nativist movements in Europe by reading history — specifically, the history of the 1930s.

我相当本土的关于认知,我很想看看那模式和奇迹,是达尔文给我们一些天生就错误的想法?两性。I'm rather a nativist about cognition, and I am tempted to look at that pattern and wonder, did Darwin give us some innately wrong idea about the genders?

共和党的本土主义派是阻止参院提案通过的主要力量,在提案失败后也欢呼声最大-----他们可能会懊悔这么做。The nativist wing of the Republican party was fiercest in opposition to the Senate bill, and crowed loudest over its defeat—something it may come to regret.

有些人将会试图曲解这种先例,并使用仇外或者本土的论据,来说每一个国家都应该遵照同样的标准。There are some who will try to pervert this precedent and use xenophobia or nativist arguments to say that every country should be held to the same standard.

如果这种感情有它的阴暗面,它有些自私和自以为是,有那种使人民蒙受苦难的旧本土主义情结,但是它也有阳光的一面。If the mood sometimes had its shadowed side, a touch of self-righteousness and meanness, a hint of the old nativist punitive zeal, it also showed great shine.

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但是面对由民进党挑头的所谓政党本土化的发难,以中国国民党名义存活的国民党又一次掉入民进党的陷阱。But faced by the DPP led by the so-called political parties nativist revolt. on behalf of the Chinese Kuomintang to the survival of the KMT to the DPP once again fall into the trap.

全球化、四处游荡的人类和无国界的网络世界的力量,已经招来同样强大的反作用力——民族主义、本土政治和反移民偏执倾向。The force of globalization, of nomadic humanity, of borderless cyberspace has engendered an equally strong counter-force of nationalism, nativist politics and anti-immigrant bigotry.