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组织学检查显示了早期发育的头节。Histological examination revealed that early development of the scolex became obvious.

每一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。Each cysticercus consists of a cyst wall and a single scolex invaginated into the lumen.

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MR上囊肿与脑脊液信号相等。偏心性的头节表现为壁结节。The cyst is isointense to CSF on MR, and an eccentric scolex can be identified as a mural nodule.

每一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。The larval stage of many tapeworms, consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst.

它们在结构上比吸虫更特化,有具附着器官的头节、颈部和节裂区。They are structurally more specialized than flukes , having a scolex with attachment organs, a neck region, and a strobila.

拟囊尾幼虫某些绦虫的幼虫阶段,象囊尾幼虫但有完全充满封闭囊的头结。The larval stage of certain tapeworms, resembling a cysticercus but having the scolex completely filling the enclosing cyst.

实验各组头颈部糖原均有减少,而外囊壁糖原无显著变化。The glycogen reduced on the scolex and neck region of experiments cysticerci, while the external surface of bladder were not changed.

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结果表明,豆状囊尾蚴和豆状带绦虫均有4个吸盘,37个小钩分内、外两圈排列在顶突上。There were 4 suckers in C. pisiformis and the scolex of T. pisiformis, and 37 hooks in the rostellum arranging with inner and outer rings.

共尾幼虫绦虫多节绦虫的寄生虫幼虫阶段,有囊胞,头节在其中生长,使反刍动物尤其是羊的中枢神经系统感染。Taenia multiceps that consists of a cyst in which the scolex develops and that infects the central nervous system of ruminants, especially sheep.

绦虫,或称带虫,是脊椎动物的肠道寄生虫。它们在结构上比吸虫更特化,有具附着器官的头节、颈部和节裂区。Cestodes, or tapeworms, are gut parasites of vertebrates. They are structurally more specialized than flukes , having a scolex with attachment organs, a neck region, and a strobila.

共尾幼虫绦虫多节绦虫的寄生虫幼虫阶段,有囊胞,头节在其中生长,使反刍动物尤其是羊的中枢神经系统感染。The parasitic larval stage of the tapeworm Taenia multiceps that consists of a cyst in which the scolex develops and that infects the central nervous system of ruminants, especially sheep.