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你说的血不会因处女膜破裂造成的。You say The blood will not be caused by ruptured hymen.

处女膜的心理社会学意义是什么和曾经是什么?What was and is the psychosocial significance of the hymen?

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这种处女膜由内含假血的弹性材料制成。The Chinese hymen is made of elastic and filled with fake blood.

处女膜的存在成了一道检验性功能的关卡。The existence of Hymen became the toll-gate of a inspectability function.

目的探讨处女膜闭锁的超声诊断价值。Objective To probe into the value of imperforate hymen diagnosed by ultrasound.

这时手术也是发现并治疗处女膜闭锁的最好时机!At this time also is the best time to found and the treat the Imperforate Hymen.

因为你是处女,处女膜的阻碍会让你觉得不太舒服。Since you're a virgin and a woman, you may be feeling discomfort from your hymen.

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花100元买来的处女膜装置包含了一个小的深红的形似半透明塑料的插入件。The 100-yuan hymen kit contained a small dark-red semitransparent plastic insert.

局部麻醉后,重新连接处女膜组织通常要花费30分钟左右的时间。Re-connecting the tissue of the hymen takes about 30 minutes under local anaesthetic.

相比人造处女膜,通过外科手术修补处女膜在一些医院大概要花费人造处女膜10倍的价钱。Comparing to the fake hymens, surgery to restore a hymen can cost 10 times more at hospitals.

目的探讨处女膜闭锁的误诊原因和超声诊断价值。Objective Explore the misdiagnosis reasons and ultrasound diagnosis value of imperforate hymen.

发现尿道外口缩窄,处女膜伞,膀胱颈梗阻等是女性下尿路感染的常见发病诱因。Stenosis, fimbriae of the hymen and bladder neck obstruction are the common predisposing causes.

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方法分析22例处女膜闭锁的声像图特征。Methods The ultrasonic imaging features of 22 cases patients with imperforate hymen were analyzed.

最后在巴黎一家由马克·阿贝卡西斯医生开的诊所里,她进行了处女膜修复手术。She eventually went to the Paris clinic of Dr Marc Abecassis to have surgery to restore her hymen.

处女膜修补术就是通过整容外科手术的方法将已经被破坏的处女膜重新还原或再造一个新的处女膜。Hymen repair is through cosmetic surgery methods have been destroyed or re-re-restored hymen a new hymen.

体检报告证实阿西娅的处女膜破裂并且全身均有损伤。The medical report confirms that Assiya’s hymen had been broken and that she had abrasions all over her body.

一些女性在出生时就根本没有处女膜,因为这一组织还在子宫中的时候就完全分裂。Some females have no hymen at birth at all, since the tissue divided completely while they were still in the womb.

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处女膜手术后要经常去医院随访,观察伤口有无脱线、裂开。After hymen surgery, can go to the hospital revisit frequently, whether there is the observation wound off-line, to split.

处女膜是一块附着在皮肤的非常薄的片状下垂物,可以在严格的训练或者剧烈的物理活动中被轻易地破坏。The hymen is a very thin flap of skin that can be easily damaged through rigorous exercise or other intense physical activities.

尽管人造处女膜的说明书声称产品无副作用,但妇科医生仍然警告可能会引起感染。Although the fake hymen product instructions claim there are no side effects, gynecologists do warn that it could cause infections.