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他是真实的。He is authentic.

真诚的恭维。Give authentic compliments.

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我喜欢地道的中国菜。I like authentic Chinese food.

你能做些美味的四川菜吗?。Can you cook authentic szechuan?

正品的罗密欧和朱丽叶花冠烟。Authentic Romeo and Julieta Coronas.

我听说这里的食物非常道地。I heard the food is really authentic.

这幅画无疑是真迹。The painting is undoubtedly authentic.

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他卖的羊肉串是最正宗的。He sells the most authentic lamb kebabs.

我们感受到一种传统的,真正的方式。And we feel a traditional, authentic way.

哎,这是货真价实的刻纸。Oh no, they are authentic paper carvings.

我认识的大多数“热心肠”都很真实。Most VIPs I've known are authentic people.

她穿的是正品名牌服饰。She is wearing an authentic designer dress.

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然而,她却也独立而实诚。Yet she was also independent and authentic.

你的个人真实的“绿色”的形象,是冷静。Your personal authentic "green" image is cool.

秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal.

正宗四川麻辣烫锅底的标准配方。Standard recipe authentic Sichuan Malatang pot.

麻编工艺鞋是一只地道的绿色产品。Linen craft shoes are an authentic green product.

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到波士顿北边品尝义大利道地晚餐。Have an authentic Italian dinner in the North End.

本书是一本专题性访谈实录。This book is a unique interviews authentic records.

本店所售笔记本电脑均为全新正品行货。All laptops in our shop are brand new and authentic.