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动脉瘤可是一个最贴切的词了。Aneurism is as good a word as any other.

那个血腥的哥患有脑动脉瘤,他已经撑不了几天了。The taxi driver had a brain aneurism. He was dying.

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不过之后当我看到它的标价牌时,我简直是吓了一大跳。But then when I saw the price tag, I just about had an aneurism.

其原因以颅内先天性动脉瘤内最多见。Its reason in the congenital aneurism sees most much by the skull in.

将近六个月以前,我们的父亲因患动脉瘤去世。Our father had died suddenly of an aneurism almost six months before.

目的总结颅内动脉瘤直接手术的治疗经验。Objective To summarize experience of intracranial aneurism by direct operation.

结论为防止再次出血,颅内动脉瘤应积极手术。Conclusions Intracranial aneurism should be actively operated in order to prevent reblooding.

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经脑血管造影就可以明确是属于颅内动脉瘤或是血管畸形。Via the head angiography can be made clear is belong to the aneurism inside skull or be hemal deformation.

方法48例颅内动脉瘤显微手术,其中瘤颈夹闭术42例,瘤壁加固术6例。Methods Of 48 cases with intracranial aneurism, 42 were performed with clapping of aneurism, 6 with coating of aneurism.

结论颅脑损伤后应注意合并颅内动脉瘤蛛网膜下腔出血的可能性,尤其是基底池或侧裂池出血者。Conclusions It is should be noted that the SAH after head trauma, especially in the basal cistern or Sylvian fissure, is probably produced by the rupture of intracranial aneurism.