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词汇除语言或概念意义外具有丰富的社会文化内涵意义。Words have sociocultural meaning as well as denotative or conceptual meaning.

社会文化进化论者同意演化般的过程会导致社会的进步。Sociocultural evolutionists agree that the evolution-like process leads to social progress.

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人物形象的移民化倾向还蕴含着丰富的社会文化意义。Also embedded in this orientation to immigrant characters are its rich sociocultural meanings.

的研究数目已经注意到缺乏明确的方法来衡量无形的社会文化影响。A number of studies have noted the lack of clear methods to measure intangible sociocultural impacts.

对于社会文化的有意关注,能极大地提升学生的译文水平。This sociocultural awareness, can improve the quality of the students' translations to a great extent.

帕蒂对所有这些问题都能够提供以资参考的答案,她就好像一只殷勤友好的蜜蜂,快活地传授着社会文化的知识花粉。For all queries, Patty Berglund was a resource, a sunny carrier of sociocultural pollen, an affable bee.

本文还分析总结了玄宗宗教政策的三个特点及其社会文化背景。The paper offered three features of his policy in religion and pointed out their sociocultural background.

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第一章直接介入彝族花鼓舞的自然人文生境。The first chapter directly describes the natural and sociocultural fostering space of Yi flower-drum dance.

贯穿全文的是公共卫生与社会文化地方性关系的逻辑主线。The main logical line through the paper is the relationship between public health and sociocultural locality.

结果我们看到的就是各种混乱的动荡——经济,政治和社会文化。What we are witnessing as a result is chaotic fluctuations of all kinds -- economic, political, sociocultural.

与此同时,该分析也综合运用了一些社会文化因素如历史、文化及思维方式等。Different sociocultural influences like history, culture and mode of thinking are also taken into consideration.

区域分析是地理学的研究范式之一,目前大陆社会文化地理学界出现了一个小区域研究热。Many geographers in Mainland China paid attention to small space units in the studies of sociocultural geography.

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第五章主要探讨区域开发与社会文化变迁的互动关系。The fifth chapter investigates the interactions between regional development and sociocultural changes of the region.

从以上方面看,狄金森的书信处于一种介于事实和虚构之间的状态。Dickinson's letters show a border blur between factual sociocultural circumstances and fictional epistolary responses.

自古以来,阿卡族的音乐舞蹈就与其社会文化事件紧密相关。Historically, music and dance have long been inextricably linked to all sociocultural events within the Aka community.

在社会文化的规范内外,这都是双语的使用者不可或缺的沟通策略。It is an indispensable communicative strategy of the bilingual performer within the sociocultural paradigms and beyond.

我们报告此个案并显示其在社会文化因子、精神病理、及治疗的相关性。Here we report a case of BPD which illustrates the interactions among sociocultural factors, psychopathology, and treatment.

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只是高高低低的打牌和吆喝声会打断我的思绪,只有无奈,社会的大熔炉,要能够接受一切。Only jagged cards and sound interrupting my mind, only the helpless, the sociocultural society, to be able to accept everything.

维果茨基的社会文化理论揭示了知识建构中个体和社会相互依赖的性质。Vygotsky's sociocultural theory reveals the interdependence between the individual and society in the construction of knowledge.

产品所针对的对象及他们的特征——包括社会特征和特殊的习惯,这些都是至关重要的。Project objectives and user profiles, including sociocultural characteristics and specefic habits, those are crucial information.