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这是一场决胜局。It's a deciding game.

不急,您慢慢决定。Take your time deciding.

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决定使用哪一个运行时Deciding which run-time to use

谁在决定你该吃什么Who is deciding what you should eat?


你是如何针对这些特性作出决定的。How are you deciding on these features?

关于申请回避的审查决定。Deciding on the application of challenge.

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我的父亲在考虑是否要杀死你。My father is deciding wether to kill you.

投票常常意味着在X或者Y之间做选择。Voting usually means deciding between X or Y.

耶普森说,艾奥瓦州选民"还有时间作出决定。Iowa voters "take their sweet time in deciding.

让我细细思量后再决定吧。Let me consider the matter well before deciding.

对于该去哪里上大学,又如何决定?But what about deciding on where to go to college?

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要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干。It requires no small talent to be a deciding bear.

必须考虑成熟后再作决定。One must consider the matter well before deciding.

其中最重要的选择是确定三元模型是什么。The biggest choice was deciding what a trigram is.

最难的应该是抉择去选择追求那一项了。The toughest part will be deciding what to pursue.

你所面临的问题是选择一种实现。The problem you face is deciding an implementation.

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先仔细想好了再决定该邀请谁。Look about carefully before deciding whom to invite.

不急,您慢慢决定。我待会再过来。Take your time deciding. I'll come back in a minute.

根据阅读目白勺确定文本中起作用白勺积极词汇。Deciding what the active words should be in the text.