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它对我来说是一种奢侈。It is a luxury to me.

这是一家豪华旅馆。This is a luxury hotel.

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他们沉溺于奢侈的生活中。They wallowed in luxury.

奶油蛋糕是奢侈品。Cream cakes are a luxury.

他是在奢华的环境中长大的。He was cradled in luxury.

她过着奢华的生活。She is rolling in luxury.

对你们来说那是奢侈的问题。For you it is about luxury.

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很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。Few could afford the luxury.

康派,精神奢华倡者。Advocator of Luxury in Spirit.


仁义道德,也是一种奢侈。Virtue is no more than a luxury.

管理不再是一种奢求。Management is no longer a luxury.

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他说,“山核桃只是有点点小贵。Pecans are "just a small luxury."

微笑,凝聚成星星挂在我的心间。Smile, have become one of luxury.

你想拥有一个尽显奢华,豪气蓬勃的领域吗?Do you want to have a luxury area?

即使是豪华车买主也在持币观望Even Luxury Buyers Are Holding Off

懒惰是索价极高的奢侈品。Lazy cable is a luxury high price.

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奢华旅游业江河日下。Luxury travel is going downstream.

时间是不可复制的奢侈。Time is the irreproducible luxury.

洗个痛快的热水澡可真是一种至高的享受。A long hot bath can be pure luxury.