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那些乌云预示着有一场暴风雨。Those dark clouds foreshadow a storm.

第一是因为这些措施有利于跨国银行的健康发展。The first is that they foreshadow an emerging international orthodoxy.

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每一件事汇集到一起,预示着一个惊天的秘密,让人惶恐不安。Everything is brought together into a disturbing foreshadow of dreadful secrets.

它掀起的问题是提前预示了很多这次选文的本质问题。The questions it raises foreshadow much of the subject matter of this anthology.

韩国是个在很多方面都喜欢尝鲜的国家,它是否预示了未来的趋势呢?Does South Kore a, a country of early adopters in many ways, foreshadow the future everywhere?

巴基斯坦毁灭性的洪灾也许预示着全球变暖将带来极端的气候变化。Devastating flooding in Pakistan may foreshadow extreme weather to come as a result of global warming

书然后使用这讯息预兆将来的反新生物的治疗将带的指示。The book then uses this information to foreshadow the direction that future anti- neoplastic therapies will take.

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惠特尼说短期悲观预测是这个广袤的金融服务产业领域即将迎来一系列不景气年数的预兆。Ms. Whitney says the gloomy short-term predictions foreshadow a series of lean years in the broader financial services industry.

古代政治制度在实践上并没有立宪国民代议制,而且可以料想,他们也不曾在悲剧方面“预料”到这种制度。No ancient polity ever embodied constitutional democracy, and one dares to hope that ancient tragedy did not even foreshadow it.

取材于自然的各种象征不仅深化了自然法则的残酷性,而且预示了主要人物的命运。The various symbols from nature not only intensify the cruelty of natural laws, but also foreshadow the fate of the main characters.

趋势通常从一开始就表现成一个循环的假象,而有证据说明这些磷虾稀少的年份可能预示着会出现一个新的南乔治亚。A trend often masquerades as a cycle at the start, and evidence suggests that these scarce krill years may foreshadow a new South Georgia.

资产价格下降,导致消费减少,投资者的收益预期下降,对公司股份债券的违约风险预期上升。As asset prices fall, people spend less and investors foreshadow lower profits and higher defaults by running from corporate bonds and shares.

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我们再花点时间看看第12章,不知你们是否注意到,马太福音,很喜欢先预兆什么,然后去应验它?Let's do spend a little more time looking at chapter 12 because, have you noticed that the Gospel of Matthew likes to foreshadow things and fulfill things?

欧洲股市从四个月来高点下跌,德意志银行发售股票可能预示着欧洲各家银行需要筹集更多资本,引发市场担忧情绪。European stocks declined from a four-month high amid concern that a share sale by Deutsche Bank AG may foreshadow more capital raising by the region’s lenders.

在伊拉克面临转型的过程中,其科学团体正努力重返舞台,而这个天文台的命运,也将预示著伊拉克科学团体的重现。The observatory's fate might well foreshadow the future of Iraq's reemerging scientific community as it struggles to regain its place within a country in transition.

世界杯足球赛是国际足坛最高级别的足球赛事,比赛中所展现出来的技战术趋势和打法特征在某种意义上预示了现代足球运动的发展方向。The technical and tactical trends and characteristics are put up in the world football championships to foreshadow the development direction of football in a certain extent.

研究人员说,研究结果显示β-胡萝卜素可能是一个能对付记忆力问题的重要武器,它可以预示老人痴呆症和其他形式的痴呆病。The findings indicate beta carotene may be an important weapon in warding off memory problems that may foreshadow Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, the researchers said.

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他的残暴统治预示了所谓的“西班牙征服者”将对幅员辽阔,物资丰饶的阿兹特克、印加和玛雅文明进行的毁灭。His brutal reign would foreshadow the arrival of the Spanish warriors called Conquistadors who would plunder and destroy the large, wealthy Aztec, Incan, and Mayan civilizations.

除了确定相对价格水平和波动,布林线可与价格行为和其他指标产生的信号和预示重大举措。In addition to identifying relative price levels and volatility, Bollinger Bands can be combined with price action and other indicators to generate signals and foreshadow significant moves.

不过如果当年卡特里娜的洪水预警人们接下来会到来的灾难,那么沿海城市的设计师们也许能想出合适可行的方案,以应对墨西哥湾与笼罩当地的可怕威胁。But if the floodwaters of Katrina foreshadow things to come, then designers in coastal cities would do well to look at the proposals for the Gulf and the formidable challenges the region faces.