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我来带她去化疗好了。Why don't I take her to chemo ?

吉廷认为用另一种化疗方案可能会奏效。Keating thought a different chemo regimen might work.

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“我只知道我得每月都去化疗治疗,”他轻轻地拍了拍点滴泵。“Means I got to do chemo every month, ” he said, patting the IV pump.

后来,化疗结束以后,病人出现了血尿。So the chemo finished. Then, blood began to appear in the patient's urine.

对我而言,读到化疗脑使我重新想起了金属味。For me, reading about chemo brain has resurrected that faint taste of metal.

现在Maddox的病情得到了控制,但他还必须进行3年的化疗和激素疗法。Now Maddox is in remission but will need chemo and steroid treatment for three years.

有关人士认为,其母因不忍心让男孩接受化疗而于周一带其一同消失。Authorities believe Colleen Hawser fled with her son Monday to avoid him getting chemo.

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我上周五的消化道癌相关抗原CA19-9是103,只比我最后一轮化疗后高一点点。My CA19-9 was 103 last Friday, which is only up a tiny bit from my last round of chemo.

在根治性手术之后,我又做了4个手术,接受了化疗和放射性治疗。I underwent radical surgery followed by 4 more surgeries experimental Chemo and radiation.

请为杨家慧姊妹的朋友母亲黄女士祷告,她患有乳癌,现在于第三期化疗中。Pray for Sonya's friend's mom, Denise Wong who has breast cancer, and is on her 3rd chemo.

化疗第一个疗程后我感觉好了不少,胃不痛了,也没再便血。That first chemo got rid of everything — the pains in my stomach, the blood in the toilet.

在根治性手术之后,我又做了4个手术,接受了化疗和放射性治疗。I underwent radical surgery followed by 4 more surgeries, experimental Chemo and radiation.

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趋化作用是指白细胞向着刺激物所在部位作单一定向游走。Chemo taxis may be defined as the unidirectional migration of white cells toward an attractant.

之前我接受了副作用很强的化疗,姑息疗法帮我控制住了病情,我才受得了化疗。But I used a program of palliative care to control my symptoms and allow me to tolerate the chemo.

你怎么理解过去很早以前的一轮化疗后就再也没有停止过的全身疼痛?What do you do about whole-body pain that has never stopped since a round of chemo far in the past?

2001年8月,迈克尔的病情恶化,医院让他到罗兹大厦七楼接受第三次化疗。Michael took a turn for the worse in August 2001 and was admitted back on Rhoads 7 for a third round of chemo.

去年秋天,她的癌症复发,她再次接受静脉化疗,希望可以控制住病情。After her cancer began growing again last fall, Cooney resumed intravenous chemo and hopes for a good response.

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我的瑜伽课是一直到我化疗之前,然后做完干细胞移植以后又重新开始练习。I taught classes right up until I went in for chemo and started again right after I had my stem-cell transplant.

我经常接送她去进行化疗,但我从没有见过任何一个工作人员,这是使人感到轻松的一件事。I had often picked my mother up after her chemo treatments, but I had never seen one in progress. It is a brisk business.

面对死亡的威胁,她选择辞去商店收银员的工作,开办了蛋糕店,并开始接受化疗,她胜利了。In the face of death, she quit her store clerk job, opened the bakery, started chemo therapy, and succeeded on all fronts.