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那个伤员呻吟不止。The wounded man moaned ceaselessly.

热衷的事情就是不断地挣钱。He hankers after making money ceaselessly.

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不停地把它喝下,与大家一起分享!Drink of it ceaselessly and share it with all!

艺术是姿态万千的不停地变化的。Art is so multifarious, so ceaselessly changing.

他差不离不断地诉说饭后呕吐。He complained almost ceaselessly of postprandial nausea.

于是,暇步士运动鞋的销量开始不断增加。Then, Hush Puppies shoes sales began to increase ceaselessly.

要知道,时刻地讨好,谁也做不到。You know blandishment ceaselessly cannot be done by everyone.

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漫漫长夜,湿热难熬,辗转反侧,无法入眠。I turned and tossed ceaselessly through the long sticky night.

吥断悳出现,吥断悳消失,吥断悳循环。Appear ceaselessly , disappear ceaselessly , cycle ceaselessly.

他坐在椅子上,不怎么看她,只是不停地抽烟。He, on his chair, scarcely looks at her and smokes ceaselessly.

所有成功的报纸都是不停地发牢骚的和好斗的。All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose.

它不断创建新的可接合线程,直至有故障发生。It creates new joinable threads ceaselessly until failure happens.

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老大、老二乘坐飞机,老二晕机,不停呕吐。The old, second takes a plane, the second is airsick, vomit ceaselessly.

中国的城市化正在风起云涌地展开。The ongoing urbanization process is ceaselessly moving forward in China.

汽车要不断地加油才能确保它不停的向前行驶。Vehicles need constant fill-up to make sure they move ahead ceaselessly.

他为实现个人胜任与才智而奋斗不息。He ceaselessly strives to the tureization of individual capacities or talents.

他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。He ceaselessly strives for the realization of individual capacities and talents.

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患了很严重的鼻窦炎鼻子就会不断变大吗?Sufferred from very serious nose sinusitis nose to you can greaten ceaselessly ?

夏天的夜晚,周围都是蝉鸣,一只蛾子在不停地打转。At summer night, the sound of cicadas is around him, a moth spinning ceaselessly. Mr.

因为搜索引擎正在不断的更新和对付这种不公平的方案。Because search engine, be being updated ceaselessly and meet this kind of inequitable plan.