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这只是语法上说得通。It is in fact syntactically valid.

在语义构造上是对的,对么?It's syntactically correct. Right?

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一些人发现,从语法方面说,此方法更易于遵循。Some find this method is easier to follow syntactically.

保罗回答这些问题在句法上很混乱。Paul’s answers to these questions were syntactically complex.

要求使用转义字符才能实现有效语法查询的一些符号Symbols that require the escape character to achieve a syntactically valid query

不正确的,问题组,助教会给你们一个零分。If you've turned in a program that's not syntactically correct, the TAs give you a zero.

您可能会问这个测试为什么会失败,毕竟它的语法是正确的。You may be asking yourself why this test will fail. After all, it is valid syntactically.

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排列信息有许多在文法上正确但不合适的方法。There are many more, albeit syntactically correct, unfortunate ways to arrange the information.

这里的语法应该是好的,有个运算对象,一个运算符,另外一个运算对象,因此语法上是没错的。The syntax is OK in the sense of, it is an operand, an operator, an operand, so syntactically it's OK.

查询编译过程中,将从语法和语义上分析输入语句。As part of the query compilation process, the input statement is analyzed syntactically and semantically.

本规范定了HTML文档的解析规则,无论它们语法是否错误。This specification defines the parsing rules for HTML documents, whether they are syntactically correct or not.

也就是说,它可以告诉你的程序在语法是正确的,但是不能告诉你它是高质量的还是质量差的。In other words, it can tell you that your application is syntactically correct, but not if it's of high or low quality.

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传统上,回指被认为是建立在语言表层上的互指关系,受人称、性、数一致等句法规则的支配。Anaphora is traditionally regarded as a syntactically controlled co-referential relationship on the surface level of language.

从“语法动态性”角度认为,“描写性”是“的”的词法功能,“描述性”和“陈述性”是“的”的句法功能。From the angle of dynamic feature of grammar, "De" is morphologically descriptive while syntactically depictive and narrative.

一般而言,日语连用修饰语句法上连接修饰用言,语义上也说明用言。Some Japanese adverbial modifiers syntactically modify verbs or adjectives, but semantically specify the meanings of nominals.

实际上,有个小道消息,你放入了,一个语义,结构。And in fact, as a sidebar, that is not syntactically correct, there's a simple button that you push that will check your syntax.

实验结果分析表明,这些对应类型具备统计和句法意义上的协调性。Analysis on the results show that the acquired bilingual subcategorization frames are statistically and syntactically compatible.

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本场景中的静态关系将这四个词法不同但语义相同的表示形式关联在一起。The static relationship in this scenario correlates these four syntactically different but semantically equivalent representations.

好,当你的代码语法,没错误,并且也有正确的静态语义,你去运行它的时候会发生什么呢?OK. What happens if you actually have something that's both syntactically correct, and appears to have correct static semantics, and you run it?

尤其重要的是,这意味着在任何识别普通文件的地方,可以按语法规则使用虚拟文件资源。Among other things, this means that virtual file resources can be used syntactically any place ordinary files are recognized. Classic Tcl allowed this