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资本战争给予比索施加了很大压力。Capital flight is putting pressure on the peso.

这个数目看来不多,但他们每天的收入只得100披索,省得一元是一元。When their income is only 100 Pesos a day, every Peso counts.

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科郎于1896年开始采用,代替哥斯达黎加比索。The colón was introduced in 1896, replacing the Costa Rican peso.

除了阿根廷比索,所有新兴市场货币兑美元汇率均告下跌。Every emerging market currency bar the Argentine peso weakened against the dollar.

而且,墨西哥比索的贬值意味着以美元结算的石油收入若按比索计算将在财政收入中占据更大的份额。And the devaluation of the peso means that dollar oil revenues will go further in pesos.

墨西哥媒体纷纷报道比索急剧贬值,已经跌至历史新低。In Mexico, media outlets were focused on a sharp drop in the value of the peso to an all-time low.

外汇支付须在当时汇率基础上减去一披索。Foreign currencies are accepted at a lock-up value of minus one peso of the prevailing exchange rate.

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在政府宣布新的紧急措施后,墨西哥比索对其他货币迅速贬值。Mexico's peso weakened sharply against other currencies after the government announced the new emergency measures.

阿根廷政府人为地保持比索低估的政策意味着以美元付酬的工资低,这样抑制了美元的流入。The government's policy of keeping the peso artificially cheap means that wages in dollars are low, checking the inflow.

他曾说过,任何一种导致墨西哥比索危机、亚洲金融危机以及当前困境的制度都需要改变。He has said any system that created the Mexican peso crisis, the Asian financial crisis and the current troubles needs to be changed.

投资家们害怕丧失强势货币,纷纷购买阿根廷美元标价的债券而甩卖他们的比索等价物。Fearful they would lose access to hard currency, investors bought Argentina's dollar-denominated bonds and dumped their peso equivalents.

墨西哥比索和土耳其里拉暴跌至创纪录低点,因为美国大选后的“特朗普交易”刺激美元走强和债券收益率上涨。The Mexican peso and Turkish lira plumbed record lows, as the post-election "Trump trade" spurred a stronger dollar and higher bond yields.

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最广泛使用的是西班牙比索,也称之为“八片币”,因为它可以分成包子状的八块。The coin that was in widest use was the Spanish Peso , known also as "ieces of Eight" because it could be divided into eight pie-like pieces.

有菲律宾民众指出,新版1000比索钞票上标识的图巴塔哈群礁国家公园位置,距实际地理位置约300多公里。Filipino people that the new 1,000 peso bill marked Tubbataha Reef National Park location, away from the actual location about 300 kilometers.

毕索贬值之后,在德克萨斯的业务支持下,墨西哥在吸引外资殖产兴业方面就变得相对容易一些。After the peso devalued it became easier to woo companies to put their plants in Mexico with support operations in Texas. Workers came for jobs.

随着投资者越来越担心希腊违约,全球市场重挫,巴西雷亚尔和墨西哥比索等货币逼近一年以来的最低水平。Currencies such as the Brazilian real and Mexican peso dropped toward their lowest levels in a year as global markets tumbled as concerns grew about a potential Greek default.

自8月以来,巴西雷亚尔和墨西哥比索等币种兑美元均遭重创,中国和俄罗斯股市亦跌至数年低点.Since August, currencies like the Brazilian real and Mexican peso have plummeted against the U.S. dollar while stock markets in Russia and China were pummeled to multiyear lows.

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交易商表示,可能更重要的走势是,美元兑大型新兴市场货币延续数周跌势,兑巴西雷亚尔和墨西哥比索触及两年低点.Perhaps more crucially, traders said, the dollar extended a multi-week slide against large emerging currencies, hitting two-year lows against the Brazilian real and Mexican peso.

作为进入资本市场主要指标的二级市场主权债务的利差达到了1995年墨西哥比索危机顶峰以来未曾见过的最高水平。Interest rate spreads for secondary market sovereign debt a key indicator of access to the capital markets rose to levels unseen since the height of the Mexican peso crisis in 1995.

假如更不幸的是,洛杉矶比索在历史上一再贬值,而以它计价的债务的利率与美元债务比较而言将非常高,上述结果就会确定无疑。This would be particularly true if the Los Angeles peso had a poor history of currency decline, and thus the interest rates on L.A. peso-denominated debt was very high, compared to U.