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弗莱明是苏格兰生物学家,药学家。Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist.

药理学家们正在认真研究这种药的过敏反应。The pharmacologist is studying up to the allergy of the medichine.

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贝利在差不多20年以前就发现了这种现象。Pharmacologist David Bailey made that discovery almost 20 years ago.

莎拉计划成为执业护士,阿什莉则有望成为药剂师。Sarah plans to become a registered nurse. Ashley may become a pharmacologist.

但是阿司匹林会降低沃热泰克的效果,“配药学家格雷登说。"But aspirin may reduce the effectiveness of Vasotec, " says pharmacologist Graedon.

药理学家们正在认真研究这种药的过敏反应。Pharmacologist is seriously studying the hypersusceptibility reaction of this medicine.

斯洛文尼亚的一位药理学家就做到了,现在他鼓励全世界向自己学习。Slovenian pharmacologist has done it and now urges the world to learn from his example.

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药理学家大卫•贝利在差不多20年以前就发现了这种现象。Even to a dangerous degree. Pharmacologist David Bailey made that discovery almost 20 years ago.

斯洛文尼亚的一位药理学家就做到了,现在他鼓励全世界向自己学习。Slovenian pharmacologist has done it and now urges the world to learn from his example, Moncler Outlet.

苏格兰生物学家和药理学家亚利山大·弗莱明发表过多篇关于细菌学、免疫学和化学疗法的文章。A Scottish biologist and pharmacologist Alexander Fleming published many articles on bacteriology, immunology, and chemotherapy.

药理学家不仅要了解人体内进行的指出反应过程,还应该懂得机体功能是怎样手疾病影响的。Pharmacologist should not only learn the normal reaction process, but also know how the functions of the human body are affected by diseases.

药物作用于人体的科学叫药理学,研究这门学科的科学家就是药理学家。The science that drugs act on the human body is known as pharmacology, while the scientist who studies this science is called pharmacologist.

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他是开发哺乳动物分类可行性方法的分类学家,并首次提出自然灾难是物种灭绝的原因。He was a taxonomist who developed the first workable method of classifyinBritish pharmacologist who isolated acetylcholine from the ergot fungus.

药学家屠呦呦由于青蒿素的发现和在治疗疟疾方面的杰出贡献,成为中国大陆第一个赢得拉斯克奖医学奖的科学家。Pharmacologist Tu Youyou has become the first scientist on the mainland to win America's respected Lasker Award for her discovery of a new approach to malaria treatment.