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你觉得最不能让人宽恕的罪过是什么?What do you think is the least forgivable sin?

对手的到来给他一个可原谅的机会。The rival’s arrival gives him a forgivable chance.

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而她只能希望并设法使红红的巴掌印早日褪去,算是原谅吧。The forgivable response is to hope and get the blusher out.

在过去,对于才干超群的优秀领导人,他们的越轨行为通常会得到宽恕。In the past, personal transgressions were forgivable for exceptionally talented leaders.

烟尘的缺陷是可以原谅的冒犯,但Hillcoat的“末日危途”也缺少其他东西。Soot-deficiency is a forgivable offense, but Hillcoat's "The Road" is missing other things, too.

现在在后面,我违反了把main函数放在上面的优先级,可能那是可以宽恕的。Now downside of this, well, I've just now violated my preference for having main up top, maybe that's forgivable.

首先,该网站宕机数个小时,这对于拥有巨大流量的网站来说还情有可原。For starters, the site was down for hours, which is forgivable given the massive amount of traffic the site received.

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节目的前端因录影带出现问题而未能正常播放,敬希体谅。The earlier part of the show had problems with the original tape which was impossible to fix, hope that is forgivable.

举家搬迁难免令人黯然神伤,看着国旗从美国南极站老基地上缓缓移下,即使潸然泪下也是情有可原。MOVING house is always traumatic, and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America's old base at the South Pole.

一个最明显的例子就是,印度洋沿岸的国家没有象太平洋国家那样的海啸预警系统。The most obvious example was that Indian Ocean nations lacked a tsunami-warning system like the one in the Pacific, but that omission may be forgivable.

如果说小说第一部分只是影射了种族主义,那么在第二部分,种族的不平等得到了野蛮的渲泄,小城梅岗也从一个尚可原谅的封闭小镇成了一个恶贯满盈、种族主义猖獗的大粪坑。The racism alluded to in the first part explodes in all its savagery, and the town – which seemed to be guilty only of a forgivable insularity – becomes a cesspit.

花旗决定不推出一项特别贷款计划,但仍在向一些员工提供可免除贷款,主要是作为一种吸引和留住人才的工具来使用。Citigroup decided not to launch a special loan program but is continuing to offer forgivable loans to a handful of employees, primarily as a recruiting and retention tool.

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在办公室这样的环境下,即使是盲目的乐观也会比轻微的悲观更容易被接受,乐观主义者的同事等着看他们大祸临头的样子──但结果却常常是获得晋升。In offices, where blind optimism is more forgivable than even mild pessimism, staffers wait for the time when their head hopers won't know what hit them -- but it usually ends up being a promotion.