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无法变更请款货币!Unable to switch billing currency!

以小时计费很好的弥补了双方的短板。Hourly billing serves both of these ends.

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我们的场景是一个移动电话计费系统。Our scenario is a cell-phone billing system.

我没必要先去批价处吗?Don't I have to go to the billing office first?

中译对的。先去批价处,然后去药房。Go to the billing office first, then the pharmacy.

他们坐在那儿情话绵绵,直到过了午夜方休!They sat there billing and cooing till after midnight!

他们坐在那里窃窃私语直到后半夜。They sat there billing and cooing till after midnight.

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通常定价引擎是较大的计费系统的一部分。Often the rating engine is part of a larger billing system.

付费周期什么时候开始?我是预付还是后付?。When does the billing cycle start?Do I prepaid or postpaid?

例如,什么是计划付款和开票模型?For example, what are the planned payment and billing models?

公园树下尽是谈情说爱的情侣。The park was full of lovers billing and cooing under the tress.

要的。请先至批价处,然后才是药房。That's right. Go to the billing office first, then the pharmacy.

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研究这一问题的最佳方法可能是与账单资料脱勾。The best way to research it is, prospectively, off billing data.

计费系统通常提供定制的管理功能。Typically the billing system provides custom management function.

有报导和名字特定的警戒的时间和收费软件。Time and billing software with reporting and name-specific alerts.

此外,账单票据通常不会描述一个客户。Furthermore, billing notes would not typically describe a customer.

然而,访谈变成了对账单记录的讨论。Instead, the interview turned into a session on the billing records.

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计费系统将发票记录与订户帐户关联起来。The billing system associates invoice records to subscriber accounts.

该类建模一名个人或一个组织的账单邮寄地址。This class models the billing address for a person or an organization.

更重要的是,Cuil并没有履行其在宣传期的账单。More importantly though, Cuil didn’t live up to its over-hyped billing.