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滚开吧,脆弱的精灵,现在我说了算!Begone, trifling elf! I am in control now!

谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?Who'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling?

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其实他用不到这样殷勤,他跟伊丽莎白的交情是很浮浅的。His acquaintance with Elizabeth was very trifling.

为这点小事犯得着生气吗?Is it worthwhile getting angry over such a trifling matter?

那不过是一件小小的冒名顶替的事罢了。It was only a question of a trifling substitution of names.

孩子坐着翻弄盘中烤热的面包。The child sat trifling with the burnt bread upon his plate.

对孩子和怀孕妇女有很微弱的影响。B. P. A. has trifling impact on children and pregnant women.

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他们把这些命题贬称为“琐碎”或“只是咬文嚼字罢了”。They stigmatize these propositions as "trifling" or " merely verbal".

她正在玩耍一串她母亲刚才给她的珊瑚珠链。She was trifling with a string of coral beads which her mother had just given her.

唔,我想起来了,你最近显得有点奇怪,难道他跟你胡闹来着?Now that I think of it ‘tis strange you’ve been recently. Has he been trifling with you?

这些诗的特征是,即使对细微的事物,也加以密切关注。The feature of these poems was the closeness of attention devoted even to trifling things.

顺便再次看到了你的主题,你被虐了,关我们屁事?Saw once more while convenient your subject, you have been oppressive , closes our trifling thing?

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但与参议院相比,众议院仅仅是“体制缺陷”菜单上一道微不足道的开胃菜。But the House is a trifling appetiser on the institutional-paralysis menu compared with the Senate.

虽然都是些只言片语,意在引起质疑,以作共同探讨深省之用。There are little and trifling words, but it focuses on arising question, reflection and exploration.

除了这些微不足道的处罚,他的名字也从律师人名录中划掉并涂去了。Over and above these trifling penalties, his name was erased and blotted out from the roll of attorneys.

这么一个出手阔绰又不拘小节的投资者是那些啰里啰唆的西方人能比的吗?Isn't such a generous investor who isn't bothered about trifling matters comparable to troublesome westerners?

两间女儿房亦以简洁的手法规划,间接照明的运用,增添空间些许变化趣味。Two daughters Fang Yi plans with concise gimmick, of indirect lighting apply, add a space trifling change gout.

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与生命相比,与全人类的幸福相比,所有鸡毛蒜皮的分歧根本不值一提。Compare with the noble life, compare with the happiness of the human, all the trifling bifurcation are piffling.

做着这等事,真是虽生之日,犹死之年,很可以驱除炎热的。Doing such trifling things, although really tantamount to death in life, is an excellent way of banishing the heat.

目的找出香椿治疗糖尿病的机理与微量元素之间的关系。Objective To find the relation between the principle of Toona Sinensis Roem treating diabetes and trifling elements.