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由于世界变暖,水母纷纷向北面漂游。Jellyfish swarm northward in warming world.

这支军队逐步强行向北推进。This army gradually forced its way northward.

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剑指北国溢豪气。The sword points northward with heroism burning.

预料莎莉嘉将北行直至登陆。A generally northward track is likely until landfall.

有三个大的“海湾”从南极洲向北延伸。From Antarctica, three major " gulfs " extend northward.

现在市场萎靡正在向北方扩展。Now the market malaise appears to be spreading northward.

这些鸟春天移栖到北方,秋天移栖到南方。These birds migrate northward in spring and southward in fall.

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他们向北行,心头仿佛袭来一缕不可名状的落寞之感。They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment.

船已开始向北行驶,接着东北方向,最后是西北方向。The ship sailed northward first, then northeast, finally northwest.

它是世界上主要的一条从南王北流向的河流。The Nile is the only major river in the world which flows Northward.

逃犯迅速向北跑去,然后又忽然回到原地。The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.

通常,它们会像罗盘的指针一样,把脑袋转向北面。More often than not, like needles of a compass, heads swiveled northward.

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达什伍德太太说明了地点,就在埃克塞特以北不到四英里的地方。She explained the situation. It was within four miles northward of Exeter.

海潮改变了方向,要把他们往南推,但风和浪却要往北。A changed tide tried to force them southward, but wind and wave said northward.

它们逃到了密西西比河,并从那时起一直向北迁移。They escaped into the Mississippi River and have migrated northward ever since.

随着大火从墨西哥边境通过旧金山向北蔓延至S。With fires raging from the Mexico border through Los Angelis and northward to S.

沉积边界和沉降中心不断向北和北东方向迁移。The sedimentary boundaries and deposition centers moved northward or northeastward.

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地球的宽度从地中海的南部某个地方开始并且向北跑。The width of the world began somewhere south of the Mediterranean and ran northward.

尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水。The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded, the swamp drains northward.

气候变暖的另一铁证是灌木北移取代了苔原植物。Warming is also reinforced when shrubs move northward and replace lower tundra plants.