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花丝筒具长硬毛。Filament tube hirsute.

黄葵直立生长,一年生或二年生多毛药草。A. moschatus is an erect, annual or biennial, hirsute herb.

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小枝,叶柄,叶,以及花梗密被绒毛,并非具长硬毛。Branchlets, petioles, leaves, and pedicels densely tomentose, not hirsute.

通常磁铁人是亚洲地区的,他们都是典型的少汗毛的。Often the magnetic people are of Asian descent and thus not typically hirsute.

结论多毛患者对CC治疗的反应性降低。Conclusion The patients of hirsute decreased the activity of treatment with CC.

替代他过去平和的多毛的胡子,大量的粗短毛被他用来损伤自己的脸。Instead of the peaceful hirsute ornamentof the past he is now marring his face with a lot of bristles.

因此,有可能用不了多久,遗传学家就会公布这种多毛兽的完整的基因组。This makes it likely that geneticists will publish the complete genome of this hirsute beast before long.

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到了90年代,它已经发展成为区分多须的中下层阶级和不蓄胡须的城市精英的极好标志。By the 1990s, ithad evolved into a class symbol distinguishing the hirsute lower and middleclasses from the clean-shaven urban elite.

叶密被长硬毛背面的特别是在脉上。花对生。显著被微柔毛有环的花冠筒在里面。Leaves densely hirsute especially on veins of abaxial surface. Flowers opposite. Corolla tube conspicuously puberulent annulate inside.

在20世纪60年代,光头和长发嬉皮士都是挑战接受了格式化的一代人的一致性观念。In the 1960s both skinheads and hirsute hippies were challenging the uniformity of a generation that had received its formative haircuts while in uniform.

该奖项授予来自马里兰州工业卫生安全办公室的曼纽尔·巴尔贝托,他发现胡须上的微生物使多毛男人成为实验室的潜在危险。Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard.