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这类表现则不属于疑病性神经症。This kind of expression does not belong to hypochondriasis sex neurosis.

正如焦虑可以用药物治疗一样,疑病症也能。Just as anxiety can be treated with medication, hypochondriasis can, too.

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妄想内容以自责自罪,疑病妄想多见。The delusive contents were commonly self-accusation and self-guilty, hypochondriasis.

妄想多为被害、自责、疑病、被盗、贫穷或夸大妄想。Covet is be murdered, self-condemned, hypochondriasis more, by pilfer, poverty or exaggerated covet.

但是,到19世纪末,"疑病症"一词被用来表示“没有具体原因的疾病。”By the late 19th century, however, hypochondriasis had come to mean "illness without a specific cause."

疑病症通常在刚进入成年时期时开始表现出来,男性和女性的比例相近。Hypochondriasis usually first manifests itself in early adulthood and is equally common among males and females.

恐惧症、焦虑症、疑病症、强迫症与失眠的关系都很密切。The scared disease, angst disease, hypochondriasis disease, relationship that forces disease and insomnia is very close.

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性格内向、敏感多疑的人更易引发疑病性精神障碍而发生阳痿。Sensitive and introvert, suspicious person causes obstacle of hypochondriasis sex spirit more easily and happen impotent.

患者受疑病观念的驱使,东奔西走,到处求医,寻求“最新”诊断。The patient gets hypochondriasis idea drive, run around here and there, demand medical service everywhere, seek " newest " diagnose.

结果除躯体形式障碍者外,实施针对性心理护理能明显缩短患者住院时间。ResultsPsychological nursing could decrease the time in hospital in patient with neurosis except somatoform disorders other than hypochondriasis.

症状出现前常先有头痛、失眠等,继而出现焦虑、紧张、恐惧,然后出现幻听、被害妄想及疑病观念。The Chang Xianyou before the symptom appears has a headache, insomnia, then occurrence angst, nervous, scared, appear next covet of phonism, be murdered and hypochondriasis idea.

因此,习惯于疑病症对号入座的患者朋友们一定要积极调整自己的心态,准确全面的学习医学知识,千万不要继续自寻烦恼。Therefore, used in patients with hypochondriasis condemnation friends must actively adjust their attitude, accurate and comprehensive study of medical knowledge, do not continue to bother.