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当你和科恩兄弟在什么地方,比如,阿巴拉契亚,一起歌唱着You were singing with the Coen Brothers down somewhere in, you know, in Appalachia.

美国国家矿业协会的卢克·波波维奇认为这是一个时代的终结,新条例等同于对阿巴拉契亚地区的煤矿进行严格限制。That is tantamount to saying the intent is to strictly limit coal mining in Appalachia.

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我开始在阿巴拉契亚地区开始我的教牧工作,我所服侍的主要会众不能读和写。I began my ministry in Appalachia . The majority of the congregation Iserved could nto read and write.

虽然现在克林顿夫人在“宛若天堂”的阿巴拉契亚春风得意,但是只有奇迹才能挽救她的竞选。Although Mrs Clinton's head is in Appalachia 's heavenly peaks, only a miracle can save her candidacy now.

自从A.C。进入大学,她就利用暑假参与阿巴拉契亚的服务项目。Since she was at high school, A. C. spent her summer vacations working with the Appalachia Service Project.

引用了清洁水法来预防矿业公司将废物丢弃于阿巴拉契亚的河流及山谷中。Invoked the Clean Water Act to prevent mining companies from laying waste to streams and valleys in Appalachia.

蝙蝠与风力涡轮间的「冲击」,在美国北阿帕拉契山区演变为意想不到的重大议题。The interaction of bats and wind turbines is emerging as a major and unexpected problem in northern Appalachia.

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从上高中起,奥斯汀就利用暑假来参与阿巴拉契亚服务计划。Since she was in high school, Austin Cloyd spent her summer vacations working with the Appalachia Service Project.

阿帕拉契的古老山脉被又深又窄的山谷切割得高低起伏,有些山谷还不比一个足球场宽。The ancient mountains of Appalachia are corrugated with deep, narrow valleys, some of them no wider than a football field.

西瑞拉。巴尔塔扎尔。克鲁兹来自墨西哥南部的山区瓦哈卡州。Cirila Baltazar Cruz comes from the mountainous southern state of Oaxaca, a region of Mexico that makes Appalachia look affluent.

这个组织是有信仰的,会将志愿者队伍送到阿巴拉契亚中部地区,帮助穷困地区修理房屋。ASP, a faith-based organization, sends teams of volunteers across the Central Appalachia region, to repair homes in poor communities.

激发欧威尔、左拉和辛克莱动笔的那种矿场,仍然可在全球各地发现,从阿帕拉契山脉到中国大陆煤田屡见不鲜。The kind of mines that inspired Orwell, Zola and Sinclair can still be found the globe over, from Appalachia to the coalfields of China.

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住在阿帕拉契的丘陵山谷地带的人们面临糖尿病、癌症及呼吸道疾病的风险很高。The people who live in the hills and hollows of central Appalachia face high rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and respiratory illness.

这些都是取代了若干天你几乎可以计数的手指和脚趾如果你从小生长在一个小镇阿巴拉契亚,从来没有一个良好的迹象。Those were supplanted in a number of days you could almost count to on your fingers and toes if you grew up in a small town in Appalachia , never a good sign.

在阿巴拉契亚的山顶的煤矿开采导致森林许多小片土地的减少,从而像蓝鹂莺这样的鸟类繁殖减少。Mountaintop coal mining in Appalachia clears patches of forest contributing to the decline of birds like the cerulean warbler that breeds and forests in treetops.

门罗的曼陀林对蓝调音乐的表现及与厄尔。斯克夸斯的五弦琴风格的结合,使门罗和他的“肯塔基男孩”乐队形成了仅在阿巴拉契亚山脉才能找到的脍炙人口的音乐形式。Combining a blues feel with his mandolin and the picking of Earl Scruggs on banjo, Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys popularized a form of music previously found only in Appalachia.

二战期间,官方记录了从阿巴拉契亚及周边地区应征入伍的皮包骨营养不良的青年。"There wasn't the problem of over-consumption, as there is now." During World War II, officials noted skinny and under-nourished young men who enlisted from Appalachia and elsewhere.