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我们就古典音乐来了一次高水准的讨论。We had a highbrow discussion on classical music.

在第一流的报纸内对我颇有吸引力的是书刊评论和影评。What appeals to me in the highbrow papers are the books and film reviews.

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他认为雅虎董事会对公司价值的评估是不切实际的。He thinks Yahoo board of directors is highbrow to the assessment of company value.

你最好向她卖弄一下你的学识,不过你得先把这两本书读一下。It's better for you to highbrow her, but you have to read these two books beforehand.

高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院。Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters.

因为他的洞察力发挥到极端,它没有需要诉诸于跟高品味的文学同样的东西。Being extreme, his perspicacity has no need to resort to the same things as the highbrow literati.

但他总能吸引热心的坚定支持者,急著以他们的高文化素养为他的低俗文化辩护。But he has always attracted serious-minded partisans eager to mount a highbrow defense of the lowbrow.

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在这五到十年前,不论是投资型的项目,还是自住型的房产,都难免曲高和寡。In this five to ten years ago, both investment-type projects, or home-based properties are not too highbrow.

你的很多读者,包括所谓的不切实际的批评家,不只一次的把你的作品归到消极读物一类。Many of your readers, including so-called highbrow critics, have repeatedly subjected your books to negative readings.

只有当你来自美国,你才会真正地理解东北部地区人的不切实际的文化。Only if you are from the United States will you truly understand the highbrow culture of those from north-eastern region.

我看到很多地方从波普文学出版物的中页到当地大幅海报的部分风格。I see it everywhere, from the middle pages of highbrow pop culture publications to the style sections of local broadsheets.

尤其是原来曲高和寡的精装修房屋如今屈尊分出高下,形成适合不同档次需求的阶梯式供应。Especially the original too highbrow refined decoration Housing Now And aside though, a demand for different grades of the ladder of supply.

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亦是那明月十二楼曲高和寡的孤独和寂寞吧!箫声涉水而来的时候流年暗掩,满腔柔情如蝶絮语,在指尖起舞飞扬。The twelve floor is also the highbrow and loneliness! Sound Wade comes during the dark mask, full of tenderness, such as butterfly, on the fingertips to dance.

因为,艺术家的兴奋点往往与大众的兴趣相悖,所以,艺术家的热爱意味着东晶?国际可能曲高和寡,叫好可能并不叫座。For artists motivation often incompatible with the public interest, so artists may love that too highbrow East Atrium, international, may not be popular applause.

他说,中国目前有一个情况值得注意,就是在文化领域里出现断裂,精英文化,或者是高雅文化,与大众文化完全是两个世界,互不搭界。He said it should be noticed that there has been a fracture zone in the cultural field in China. The so-called elite culture, or highbrow culture, is divorced from popular culture.

蒙蒂爵士写过一篇很受欢迎的赞美伦布兰特的文章,而身为艺术史学家的霍华德·贝尔西,虽然艺术品位自视甚高,却公开谴责这篇文章立场倒退。Sir Monty has written a popular appreciation of Rembrandt which Howard Belsey, himself an art historian, though of a more highbrow bent, has denounced for its retrogressive stance.

其高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院,而现代艺术的爱好者也会乐于一游拉撤官里“玻璃官竹的媒体中心。Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters. Lovers of modem art will also enjoy taking in the Lasapalatsi " Glass Palace" media center.