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她身材很柔软。She's very limber.

上校命令士兵们把火炮系在前车上。The colonel ordered the soldiers to limber up.

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在测验之前你该动动脑筋。You should limber up your wits before the test.

他被告知在做任何工作之前应伸展四肢。He was told to extend and limber up before doing any exercises.

正在准备活动是必要的,舞蹈,以便把它作为一项高度优先!Being limber is necessary in dance so treat it as a high priority!

这是卡尔蒙特提供的全部高柔韧产品中的最灵活的产品。It is the most limber of all the High Flex Products offered by Calmont.

积极的心理学提倡软化你的情绪反应。Positive Psychology likewise advocates ways to limber up emotional response.

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但是这样就没有足够空间加上炮组,前车以及弹药箱了。However in this case it means there is no room for a team, limber or caisson.

现在这首歌的新版本用来在比赛前阿森纳球员热身时在海布里播放。A new version of the song is played as Arsenal limber up before matches at Highbury.

所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。So there's a strong connection between a limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia.

棒球手们在赛季之初进行旨在增加身体柔韧性的训练。Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up.

这里,我们要谈论的是一个常规的伸展训练以保持你的四肢柔软,不轻易受伤。Here, we're talking about a regular stretching program to keep your legs limber and injury-free.

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我们通常希望火炮模型中能提供前车和牵引组,这套兵人里同样也包含这些。We always like to see a limber and team with an artillery set, so we were initially well pleased here.

由于要求具有体操运动员的柔韧度、力量和平衡力,玩家的身体必须相当灵活。You have to be more than limber to do this as it requires flexibility, strength and the balance of a gymnast.

试验以组织培养获得的柔枝松不定芽为对象,对其进行不定根诱导研究。The adventitious shoots of limber pine were taken as objects to investigate their induction of adventitious roots.

在上面的图片中我们取下了前车的盖子而保留了弹药车的盖子来说明套件的这一点设计。In the above photographs we have left the lid on the ammunition wagon but removed it from the limber to illustrate this.

孢子落到醋栗树和醋栗果上,然后开始攻击近旁的五针松,例如柔枝松和白皮松。The spores landon gooseberries and currants, then move to attack any nearby five-needle pines,including limber and whitebark.

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在位于林肯中心的茱莉亚学院其中的一间练功房里,阳光好似舞台聚光灯般和煦地投照在一位做着准备动作的年轻舞蹈学生的身上。A sunny spotlight provides a warm place for a young dance student to limber up in a studio at the Juilliard School in the Lincoln Center complex.

“导”即调节气或重要的能量,引导其在人体内流动。“引”即通过身体运动活络身体和四肢。Dao means to regulate Qi, or vital energy, by guiding its flow in the body. Yin means to limber up the body and limbs through physical movements.

看看小孩的柔软,我们可以像他们一样,压力及累积的伤害把天生的柔软度带走,伸展运动可以再拿回来。Look at how rubbery and loose kids are. We could be as limber as they are. Stress and cumulative injury take away flexibility. Stretching gets it back.