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第三章探讨权益转让书问题。Chapter Three researches on the subrogation form.

第四章保险代位求偿权的保护。Chapter four studies the protection of subrogation.

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这将涉及到代位权和漫长的诉讼。This will involve lengthy subrogation and lawsuits.

代位诉讼与代位执行。Subrogation of litigation and subrogation of execute.

第三部分是关于债权代位权的实行效果。The third part discusses the effete of exercising subrogation.

本部分回顾了代位权制度的历史演变。In this part we recall the historical evolution of subrogation system.

其次,代位权的优先受偿性分析。Secondly, analyze that the right of subrogation is discharged firstly.

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海上保险代位权制度应予以修订和完善。Stipulations concerning subrogation in marine insurance should be revised.

第六章研究的是保险代位求偿权。In chapter 6, we study the Subrogation of Marine Transport cargo Insurance.

第三章代位继承的几个具体问题研究。Chapter 3 Research on several concrete matters of subrogation by succession.

第三章保险代位求偿权的法律保护。Chapter 3 discusses the legal protection of the insurance subrogation right.

在第一章中,分析了代位求偿权的民法基础。In the first paragraph, the civil law foundation of subrogation is analyzed.

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保险人代位求偿权的有无是保险代位求偿之诉的诉讼标的。The subject matter of action is the controversy on the right of subrogation.

关于代位继承的性质,目前有两种不同的观点。As for the nature of the right of subrogation there are two1' different views.

世界各国普遍确立了保险代位权制度。Many countries in the world have universally established insurance subrogation.

第二章探讨海上保险代位求偿权的行使。Chapter Two researches on the exertion of subrogation right of marine insurance.

南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties.

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我国作为航运大国,在立法上对代位求偿作出了具体规定。As a shipping country, we made specific provisions to subrogation in legislation.

债权保全制度起源于罗马法上的撤销之诉。As an institution of debt preservation, subrogation originated from ancient Roman Law.

故债务人的债务履行期未至,不发生债权人代位权。So the debtor's debt to perform period, not to, not occur creditor subrogation authority.