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稻草人能得到头脑了吗?我能变大吗?Will Scarecrow get his brain? Will l get to be big?

当地人认为,这样的稻草人象征着过去一年所有的烦恼和不顺。The scarecrow symbolizes all the bad things of the last year.

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罗杰和约翰一起振着翅膀朝着稻草人飞了过去。Roger and John together vibrating wings flew toward the scarecrow.

稻草人正在想的时候,一个小蛾飞来,是灰褐色的小蛾。The scarecrow is the time, a small moth flies, is grayish-brown moth.

你可曾见过一个填满灰尘和杂草之外空无一物的稻草人?。Have you ever seen a scarecrow filled with nothing but dust and weeds?

你曾经有没有见过一个装满了土和麦子的稻草人吗?。Have you ever seen a scarecrow fraught with naught but dust and wheat?

稻草人永远说不出自己心里想的什么,没有知道,也没有人愿意知道。Scarecrow never out of his mind what does not know, no one would know.

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一位父亲跳舞就像他被脱了骨一样,简直就是一个长着橡胶腿的稻草人父亲。One dad dances as if he's been deboned, a rubber-legged scarecrow of a dad.

木筏顺着流水漂下去,可怜的稻草人,被远远地抛在他们后面。Down the stream the raft floated, and the poor Scarecrow was left far behind.

神秘的海洋,肖恩菲尔德,谁的呼号“稻草人去。”The enigmatic Marine, Shane Schofield, who goes by the call-sign "Scarecrow."

没有你我只是田间驱鸟的稻草人,所以我不能没有你。Without you I only field-bird of the Scarecrow , so I can not do without you.

多萝茜把下望靠在手上,呆想地凝视着稻草人。Dorothy leaned her chin upon her hand and gazed thoughtfully at the Scarecrow.

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自由式滑雪飞盘一个稻草人赶上是一条走不通的幕后回赶上了直臂。A scarecrow catch in freestyle Frisbee is a blind behind-the-back catch with a straight arm.

稻草人知道他们听不见他的声音,但是他依旧想和他们分享自己的快乐。Scarecrow know that they can not hear his voice, but he still wanted to share their happiness.

每逢新年来临,巴拉圭人都会专门制作雕像,然后把雕像打扮成稻草人的样子。In Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes.

麦克格莱高先生把比得的小夹克衫和两只鞋挂在地里,当作稻草人,用来吓唬那些黑鸟。Mr. McGregor hung up the little jacket and the shoes for a scarecrow to frighten the blackbirds.

这使稻草人感到无限惊恐,心想祸事真个来了,越怕越躲不过。This makes the scarecrow feeling of panic, thinking it a disaster coming, hide but you more and more.

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运用简明的描绘风格和表现手法塑造的危地马拉民族传说中的“稻草人”形象使他闻名于世。He is known world-wide for his abstract style depicting the "scarecrow" character from Guatemalan myth.

学习如何运用在这个自由万圣节服装万圣节稻草人视频黑色服装化妆。Learn how to apply black makeup for a Halloween scarecrow costume in this free Halloween costume video.

这里我们看到一个戴奥尼索斯的面具及衣服附在竿子上,像是稻草人的方式。Here we see a mask of the god Dionysus and clothing attached to a pole, much in the manner of a scarecrow.