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“格西,我爱你,”克莱德说。" Gussie, I love you, " Clyde said.

从索伦托到克莱德港我朝“上”开。From Sorrento to Port Clyde I drive "up".

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苏格兰西南部克莱德河上的一个城市。A city of southwest Scotland on the Clyde River.

健美和克莱德在堰坝被杀害了。Both Bonnie and Clyde were killed in the barrage.

克莱德河是苏格兰最主要的河流。River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland.

在1930年,年轻的天文学家克莱德·汤博发现了冥王星。In 1930, a young astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh found Pluto.

克莱德把车驶到路边,格西跳下车,一头钻进棉田。Clyde pulled over, and Gussie hopped out and plunged into the cotton.

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马丁还说说温彻斯特让克莱德留下来照看这座房子。Martin says that Winchester told Clyde to stay and take care of the house.

在工厂工作期间,克莱德遇到了罗巴塔·安顿,并立即爱上了她。In the course of his work at the factory Clyde met Roberta Alden, with whom.

杰甫逊的坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服。There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.

乔丹的第二个总冠军戒指是在对阵一个包括克莱德-德雷克斯勒的火热球队中赢得的。Jordan's next title matched the Bulls against a Blazers team that included Clyde Drexler.

2008年,首届“NBA传奇明星挑战赛”以史戈蒂皮帕,克莱德德雷斯勒,B。And then in 2008, the first NBA Legends Challenge featured Scottie Pippen, Clyde Drexler, B.

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索尔斯克亚很高兴自己球队的表现,这也是克莱德的大日子。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was pleased with his side's performance, on an important day for Clyde.

其中之一是克莱德斯托维茨,在华盛顿的经济战略研究院院长。One of them is Clyde Prestowitz, President of the Washington based Economic Strategy Institute.

十一月一日,就是父亲到达加利福尼亚一星期以后,他和格西结了婚。On November 1, just a week after my dad had arrived in California, Clyde and Gussie got married.

除了枪和克莱德-巴罗外,邦妮-帕克的主要配饰是一系列杀手帽。Bonnie Parker’s main accessory, aside from her gun and Clyde Barrow, was a series of killer hats.

在工厂的工作中,克莱德结识了罗伯塔·奥尔登并很快爱上了她。In the course of his work at the factory Clyde met Roberta Alden , with whom he soon fell in love.

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经济战略研究所的负责人克赖德.普莱斯特威兹说,“降息确实刺激了经济。”"It did stimulate the economy, " says Clyde Prestowitz, the head of the Economic Strategy Institute.

接下来,我参观了新的克莱德港的加工厂—一个路边上的小型铝边建筑。Next I visit the new Port Clyde processing facility, a small aluminium -sided building down the road.

在球星德雷克斯勒和特里·波特率领下,球队于1990年和1992年两次闯入总决赛。The team, led by popular players Clyde Drexler and Terry Porter, made the NBA finals in 1990 and 1992.