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你是想威胁吗?Do you mean to threaten?

乌云预示着要下雪。The clouds threaten snow.

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他不那么容易被吓住。He doesn't threaten easily.

这可能会威胁经融市场。It would threaten financial markets.

侵略成性的国家威胁这世界和平。Aggressive nations threaten world peace.

农夫威胁我说要放狗咬我。The farmer threaten to set the dog on me.

千万不要在你的信中表示威胁或抱怨。Never, ever threaten or harass in your letter.

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罗宾逊说人类活动已经威胁到了它们全体的生命。Robison says human activities threaten all of these.

他们威胁你把一个绝密文件交出去?They threaten you to hand out a top-secret document?

鲁迅不怕死,何为以死悼之?。The people fear not death, why threaten them with it?

但是联邦预算的削减将有可能使工作泡汤。But federal budget cuts threaten to zero out the work.

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龙骑士可以快速远离危险地带,还可以威胁许多地方。Dragoons can run from danger and threaten many places.

然而,西方的生活方式和价值会威胁到我们的民族特色吗?But, do Western styles and values threaten our identity?

舒尔茨·马库奇说,“小行星冲撞或者超新星爆发都能威胁到我们。Asteroid impact can threaten us, or a supernova explosion.

甲醛是一种有毒物质,严重危害人的身体健康。Formaldehyde is a toxicant, it threaten human being's health.

她们可以用打屁股的方式威胁我,我会投降的。They could threaten me with a spanking and I would surrender.

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为了威胁金伯利,丹用一根撬棍打碎了珍妮特的手臂。To threaten Kimberly, Dan smashes Janet’s arm with a crowbar.

但给单一作物传播花粉威胁这昆虫的健康吗?But does pollinating monocultures threaten the insects' health?

但这个趋势似乎没有让普通美国人感到恐惧。But, this trend does not seem to threaten the average American.