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你对不同种族间的人约会有什么看法?What’s your take on interracial dating?

看看美国有名的混血种族家庭。A look at famous interracial families in America.

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异族的通婚已越来越被接受.Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted.

那时候,异族通婚在有些州属于非法行为。At the time, interracial marriages were illegal in certain states.

你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems?

结果之一,跨种族婚姻——特别是在大学毕业生中——正在上升。Partly as a result, interracial marriage is way up, especially among college graduates.

他们唯一能接受的就是异族通婚和一些女性选择不生孩子。The only trends they accepted were interracial marriage and fewer women having children.

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1967年,尽管美国还有16个州禁止异族通婚,但是人们的态度却在悄悄改变着。In 1967, 16 states still had laws against interracial marriage, but attitudes were changing.

即使是现在,异族男女之间的婚姻仍然面临着重重阻碍,包括限制异族通婚的法律。Even now, mixed couples face many obstacles, including laws restricting interracial marriage.

黑白混血儿问题是美国黑、白种族关系史上一个很有意思的话题。The mulatto problem is an interesting aspect in the study of American interracial relationship.

的情况是导致这一历史性决定所带来的是跨种族夫妇,理查德和米尔德里德爱。The case that led to that historic decision was brought by an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving.

反对异族联姻有不同的理由,但通常可以归结为种族歧视的原因。Opposition to interracial relationships exists for different reasons, but what it usually boils down to is racism.

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首先,不要在宣传中把同性婚姻和跨种族婚姻相提并论。First, comparing the struggles of legalizing interracial marriage with those to legalize gay marriage is a bad idea.

但是赫本和特雷西扮演的父母的却必须得面对现实,因为这个小伙子是黑人,而当时异族通婚不为人所接受。But parents Hepburn and Tracy must deal with the fact he is black at a time when interracial marriages were frowned on.

作为背景相差甚远的异族通婚夫妇,我们为剧中关于种族和阶级的那种令人疼痛的真实所深深吸引。As an interracial couple from such different backgrounds, we loved the show's painfully accurate take on race and class.

通过我在美国志愿服务队的经历,我体验到自强、建立联盟、跨族裔合作和调动公众积极性的价值。Through my VISTA experience, I learned the value of self-help, coalition building, interracial cooperation, and mobilization.

六月十二,六七年,最高法院决定,对异族婚姻的法律违宪。On June twelfth, nineteen sixty-seven, the Supreme Court decided that laws against interracial marriage were unconstitutional.

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法院也同时废除了婚姻法中关于不同种族不可通婚的法律,并降低了其他的一系列障碍设置,甚至监狱里的服刑人员亦有结婚权利。Courts invalidated laws against interracial marriage, struck down other barriers and even extended marriage rights to prisoners.

我和格兰认为,我们可以组织一个不同种族参与的摇滚乐队,在凯马特超市的停车场举办一个免费舞会,希望以此来缓解这种紧张气氛。Glenn and I thought we could relieve them by forming an interracial rock band and hosting a free dance in the Kmart parking lot.

尽管不同种族的人们已经通婚好几个世纪了,然而不同种族之间的关系仍然是一个引起争议的话题。Although people of different ethnicities have been mixing for centuries, the subject of interracial relationships is still controversial.