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极权主义者更加病态,更难让他下台。The totalitarian ones are both sicker and harder to dislodge.

几乎所有的政府在战时都采取极权主义的措施。Almost all government adopt totalitarian measures in time of war.

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“人类需要一个极权系统才能推行这样的禁令,”他说。"It would require a totalitarian system to implement such a ban, " he says.

远是极权主人的想法,甘为奴隶的想法,必须坚决反封。This is a totalitarian idea, it is a slave idea, it must BE rejected utterly.

很难想象即便是最集权主义的国家能在这方面采取什么措施。It is hard to imagine any but the most totalitarian state doing much about that.

欧洲对帮助极权国家改革具有丰富经验。Europe has a wealth of experience in helping to reform former totalitarian states.

到处如此,比之中世纪的极权国家来得更为野蛮。Nowhere was this done more brutally than in the totalitarian states of mid-century.

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极权国家的庞大外表掩盖了它们内在的虚弱。The imposing monolith of totalitarian states often obscures their latent weaknesses.

现在,金融系统已经沦落为全权政府为其自身目的服务的工具。This financial system is now utilized by the totalitarian State for its own purposes.

只要阿拉伯国家存在极权政权,就会有反犹太主义。As long as there are totalitarian regimes in Arab countries, there will be anti-Semitism.

这种政策曾经让尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库和他的极权主义帮凶鬼迷了心窍。This policy was one of the obsessions of Nicolae Ceausecu and his totalitarian accomplices.

要达到这些目标,对群众极权主义式的控制是不可避免的。On the way to achieving these goals, totalitarian controls on the population would be necessary.

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而西方的极权主义军事政府,白人和民众被设定为继承人。The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

因此柏拉图,常被视为是现在,极权主义国家的先驱。For this reason, Plato has often been cast as a kind of harbinger of the modern totalitarian state.

北朝鲜以严禁民众离开其贫困与专制的国家而名闻于世。North Korea is known for its restrictions on people leaving the impoverished and totalitarian nation.

每个羽翼渐丰的极权都首先试图压制并最终消除掉其他力量。Any fledgling totalitarian power tries first to limit and ultimately to eliminate other sources of power.

弗里德曼非常羡慕那些极权主义国家能够无视其子民欲求的本事。Friedman points admiringly to the ability of totalitarian states to override the desires of their subjects.

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这是极权主义哲学体系,他们认为所有政府的雇员一定要发誓孝忠于政府。It's a totalitarian philosophy which assumes that all employees of the state must swear fealty to the state.

看着深圳充满活力的经济发展,你很难记起你仍旧身在一个集权国家。Watching the vibrant economic ferment in Shenzhen, it's hard to remember that you're in a totalitarian state.

如果政府的作用是惩恶扬善,那它就一定会变成一个极权主义政府。If the role of the state is to ferret out evil thoughts and bad ideas, it must necessarily become totalitarian.