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我不赞成你这种失败主义的态度。I don't approve of your defeatist attitude.

你带着一种注定失败的态度来到这里。You come in here with a defeatist attitude.

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困难总会有,但是认输气馁却于事无补。There are difficulties, but being defeatist can't help.

怀着一种失败主义的态度上阵根本没有任何意义。There is no point going out there with a defeatist attitude.

他被他的朋友们指为懦夫和失败主义者。He had been assailed as a coward and a defeatist by his own friends.

他们的共同思路是他们都没有被打败,或者从此变得消沉的。The common thread is that they did not become defeatist or depressed.

一个昏昏欲睡、失败主义的印度是怎么突然间变得富有行动力?How has a sleepy, defeatist India suddenly been galvanised into action?

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不要写这类比较性、夸张性、不符合背景和宣扬失败主义的文章。Stop writing such comparative, exaggerated, our of context and defeatist articles.

你可以选择成为一个失败者或者是加把劲重新再来一次。You can choose to be defeatist or to pull your socks up and try again – harder this time.

一个失败主义者的态度会对他任务的结果产生严重的消极作用。A defeatist attitude can be pervasive in its negative impact on the outcome of one's mission.

帕默并不认同她的失败主义设想,他并不认为自己这样做是放弃总统竞选,他相信选民仍然可能投票给他。Palmer disagrees with her defeatist assumption, believing that the voters could side with him.

而在国民政府的战时首都,魏德迈发现这里充斥着紧张情绪和失败主义的气氛。There, at the Nationalist wartime capital, he found the situation tense and atmosphere defeatist.

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他们的怯懦、软弱和失败主义的立场,使他们拿着巴勒斯坦问题在做着交易。They are trading on the name of the Palestinian cause with their cowardly, weak and defeatist stands," he said.

说真的,如果你带着消极的态度参与任何一个家庭聚会,你是不会过得愉快的。I mean it.If you go into any family gathering with a defeatist attitude you stand very little chance of actually enjoying yourself.

与其被这种缺失感抓住或者告诉自己同样的失败主义者的故事,不如花一点时间,直接去找到缺失本身。Rather than getting caught in the feelings or telling yourself the same defeatist story, just for a moment, peak directly into the lack itself.

其他专家担心,Watson的言论可能被看做失败论,即承认减排目标不可能实现。Other experts were concerned that Watson's comments might be seen as defeatist and an admission that emissions reductions were impossible to achieve.

如果这些行为有什么重要性的话,那么对政治能动性的效力的怀疑往最好说是无理的,往最坏说就是失败主义思想在作祟。And if those actions do make a difference, then skepticism about the effectiveness of political activism is at best unwarranted, and at worst defeatist.

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即将获得美国共和党总统候选人提名的麦凯恩参议员继续指责他的民主党对手宣扬美国在伊拉克的失败主义政策。The presumed Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, continues to accuse his Democratic rival of advocating a defeatist U.S. policy for Iraq.

有的一度取消了人民武装与游击战争,招致了人民的不满和失败情绪的增长,引起了一些混乱。Others abolished the people's armed forces and discarded guerrilla warfare, which caused dissatisfaction among the people, increased defeatist sentiments and brought about confusion.

然而,牧师或传福音的老师收到的人们关于死亡的普遍反应经常是一种“失败主义”的态度,就像他们可能再也见不到亲人了!However, the common reaction that pastors and teachers of the gospel receive regarding the dead is often times a "defeatist" attitude as though they might never see their loved one again!