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我挺喜欢这个海报的。I very like this playbill.

海报牢牢地粘在墙上。The playbill was stuck down on the wall.

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他没在节目单上找到她的名字。He couldn't find her name on the playbill.

科比在得到海报时表现的非常兴奋。The kopeck when obtains the playbill displays is excited.

那张海报挂在那里已有一个星期了,可是没有人去看它一眼。The playbill has stayed up for a week, but no man notices it.

通化哪里有何炅和快乐家族的海报?Where what sunlight and happy clan Tong Hua City playbill having?

但是上演的节目和节目单上的不一样。But the items on the stage are different from those on the playbill.

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海报输出档案,只要绘制裁切外框线即可。Playbill output file, so long as plan dinking die outer edge line then.

她承认,电影的海报是他们从影片中截取而制作的。She acknowledged that movie's playbill is they intercepts from the movie manufactures.

看那公园里宏大地海报雕像前,不时地有小孩或年夜人过来摄影纪念。Look at the huge playbill in the park, children and adults come to take a photo continuously.

保护环境,从我做起,浩子你去做个海报宣传下吧?The protection environment, starts from me, vast sub- you create under the playbill propaganda?

本文认为,在海报设计中,图形作为要素之一、在海报创意、表达中占有主要地位。As a playbill design factor, the graph occupys on important position in playbill's creative ideas.

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饭店所有客房均有遥控彩色电视,提供多种语言的国内外卫星、有线电视频道。Each room provides remote-control color TV with satellite & cable channels. If you want to know the program arrangement, check playbill please.

公益海报设计,关注青少年公益海报,社会公益海报设计作品。The public good playbill , society public good playbill the public good playbill being designed , showing solicitude for teen-agers design work.

电影海报不仅是电影的宣传广告,同时也是设计者精心制作的艺术作品。The movie playbill is not only movie's promotion advertising, simultaneously is also the artistic work which the designer manufactures carefully.

在海报设计中,文字起着信息传递视觉化作用,是传递信息的重要载体。Important carrier designing that middle, characters are playing information delivery optesthesia- rization role, is to transfer information in playbill.

本研究透过张力的观念应用于海报设计上,藉以强化作品的传达性与美感。This research therefore intends to apply these tension concepts unto the playbill design to enhance the transmission aspect of it, and the aestheticism.

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作者使用「三重证据法」的研究方法,从史料、报导和口述历史三方,将「戏单」一词解构再重整,赋予更完整的价值意义。The author uses historical data, reports, and oral biographies to disseminate and reconstruct a complete background and understanding of the history of playbill.

公益海报无论政治主张、宗教信仰、民俗节日、艺术活动等等,都可成为她的创作题材。The public welfare playbill regardless of political position, religious belief, folk custom holiday, artistic activity and so on, all may become her creation theme.

首先从古代文献史料、文学作品中曾提到戏单的片段文字,整理出戏单有宣传、供观众点戏以及说明演出内容等功能。First, a study of playbill mentioned in ancient historical texts and works of arts showed that playbill was used to advertise, list and explain the opera to the audiences.