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我悟出了泛神论的真正意义。I understand the meaning of pantheism.

泛神论是矛盾的。Pantheism is not consistent in history.

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他的宗教思想倾向于泛神论。His religious philosophy tends towards pantheism.

与无神论者、泛神论者、自然神论者相反的。In contrast to atheism, pantheism and deism, theism holds that a personal God exists.

古代秘鲁印第安人信仰多种多神论和泛神论的宗教。Ancient times the Peruvian Indians believed many kinds of polytheisms and pantheism religion.

第二章概述泛神论的定义、主要观点和历史发展。Chapter II gives a brief introduction to pantheism , about its definition, chief ideas, and history.

他被一群谄媚的哲学家围着,他们从无神论者变成了有神论。He is surrounded by a chorus of sycophantic philosophers who have substituted pandiabolism for pantheism.

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此外,泛神论否认无处不在的,因为全部的上帝的,是目前在任何一个地方。Furthermore, pantheism denies omnipresence , since the totality of God's being is present in no one place.

中国道士流派,要求追随老子的教义但是也混合着泛神论和巫术。Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery.

下篇重点论述了袁昌英对精神分析学说、唯美主义、泛神论的选择与接受。The second part pays more attention to Yuan's choice and acceptance of Psychoanalysis, Aestheticism and Pantheism.

泛神论要么静音或拒绝圣经教学的超越上帝,赞成他的激进的内在。Pantheism either mutes or rejects the biblical teaching of the transcendence of God in favor of his radical immanence.

他信奉泛神论,在设计中模仿自然形态,使得他的作品形态夸张而奇特。Miralles believes pantheism and pattern the shape on the plants which makes the most outlook of his work looks weird and bizarre.

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同时探讨华兹华斯在该诗中所反映的自然观的变化以及他的自然即上帝这一泛神论思想。Besides, the changes in Wordsworth's attitudes towards nature and his ideas of pantheism reflected in this poem is explored as well.

叔本华和尼采同为19世纪著名的意志主义者,他们的哲学思想存在着明显的时代烙印。Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were the 19th century renowned Pantheism. There was a clear mark of the times in their philosophical thought.

虽然大部分民主派企图进行到一个核心的基督教教义,一些没有进行其内在的逻辑结束,这是泛神论。Although most liberals attempt to hold on to a core of Christian doctrine, some did carry immanence to its logical end, which is pantheism.

Jak清楚地确证,泛神论倾向之所以在基督教内受到抑制,乃是因为创世论教义受到了道成肉身信仰的支持。Jaki clearly affirms that in Christianity, a slide into pantheism was prevented because the doctrine of the creation was bolstered up by faith in the Incarnation.

本文认为由于童话的幻想融进了儿童心理特点,童话的拟人契合了儿童泛灵思想,所以儿童能够自然地亲近古今中外的童话文本。The paper holds that the personification of fairy tales agrees with children's pantheism and its imagination is in harmony with children's psychological characteristics.

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费尔巴哈以人本学哲学为基础,提出泛神论是不把神与自然的或人的本质区分的哲学理论。In the perspective of anthropological philosophy, Feuerbach holds that pantheism is not a philosophical theory that differentiates God from the essence of nature or mankind.

费希特和谢林的哲学体系发展成了一种精神上的泛神论,即一个世界性的精神指引着所有生命和活动,向着一个崇高的完美的最终目标前进。The philosophy of Fichte and Schelling evolved into a kind of spiritual pantheism with a world-spirit directing all life and activity toward a final goal of sublime perfection.

在帮助哲学寻找方法解释世界的各种体系当中,我认为泛神论是适于笼络民主时代人心的体系之一。Among the different systems by whose aid philosophy endeavors to explain the universe I believe pantheism to be one of those most fitted to seduce the human mind in democratic times.