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女人是天生的“购物狂”吗?Are women inborn “shopaholics”?

这都是先天注定的亲缘。This is all the inborn to destine relative.

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他是一个天生的领导者,他也是一个强者。He is an inborn leader and he is also an overmatch.

从神赋予你的天性爱好里,神有一个旨意。God had a purpose in giving you these inborn interests.

一次成功的狩猎足够磨砺它们天生的技能。One successful hunt is enough to sharpen their inborn skills.

然而,我们还不清楚这种的天生的恐惧是如何产生的。It's not known how such an inborn fear might develop, however.

举手投足间展示着天生王者的绝对影响力!Its mannerism shows absolute domination power of inborn crown!

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酒鬼的孩子可能天生就喜欢酒精。Love of alcohol is inborn and nature to the child of wine bibber.

如果你停止赛跑,你会停止思考什么是与生俱来的能力。If you stop racing, you stop wondering what that inborn ability is.

一个性向是天生的天生能力做某种工作。An aptitude is an innate inborn ability to do a certain kind of work.

这场比赛让我们更了解贝拉,他是个天生杀手。This competition lets us understand Beira , he is an inborn murderer.

的确,很多学生天生就对这种可能视而不见。Indeed, many students have a sort inborn blindness to its possibility.

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坚尼许的团队创造出一种先天缺少某个甲基化酵素的小鼠。His group created mice with an inborn deficiency of a methylating enzyme.

运用人与生俱来的思维产生方式进行人员选拔和维持。The role inborn thought processes plays in staff selection and retention.

赛跑要求每个人都有与生俱来的能力来达到他们的个人之最。A race assumes that everyone has an inborn ability to reach a personal best.

据一些科学家说,寻找显著性是与生俱来的生存技巧。According to some, seeking prominence is part of an inborn survival strategy.

或许婴儿真的天生有辨别好坏的能力。Maybe the baby really has the inborn ability to discriminate between good and bad.

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母性的慈爱,可亲可爱的美德,慈善旷达是上天赋予女人的天性。Maternal kindness, amiable virtues and gentle philisophy are women's inborn nature.

但本书的主人公萨拉却做到了,她天生谦恭有礼,不卑不亢,纯真和善。She is inborn modest and polite, innocent and kind, but not insignificant or orgulous.

让买家在这里真正找到翡翠的天生丽质和收藏价值!Let buyer find collection value and the inborn beautiful quality of jadeite really here!