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好莱坞老牌演员保罗·纽曼去世,享年83岁。Actor Paul Newman dies at age 83.

但纽曼有他特有的优势。But Newman had unique advantages.

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钮曼和我彼此看了一眼。Newman and I looked at each other.

小巧夹子,纯音悦耳,纽曼新款B25绚丽登场。Small clip , sweet tone , brilliant debut Newman new B25

保罗-纽曼就是臭氧科学评估小组的四个副主席之一。Paul Newman is one of the four co-chairs of the assessment panel.

纽曼今年5月辞职,林小军如今已“隐身”为副总经理。Newman quit in May and Lin is now the company's vice general-manager.

而早期建议雷德弗德加入影艺事业的人正是保罗·纽曼。But one who had, was the one who suggested him for the film, Paul Newman.

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1958年,保罗·纽曼与首任妻子分手后和演员乔安娜·伍德沃德结合。Paul Newman divorced his first wife to marry actor Joanne Woodward in 1958.

他不仅仅是将光束穿过棱镜,他还把发散的光束又集合起来了。Newman. “He's not just passing light through a prism — he's resynthesizing it.

立体旋风,裸眼直观,纽曼D40裸眼3D播放器。Three-dimensional cyclone , naked eye visual , Newman D40 naked eye 3D player.

十四年前,影星保罗。纽曼和作家埃。易。霍奇耐创建了这个营地。Movie actor Paul Newman and write A. E. Hotchner started the camp 14 years ago.

1979年,纽曼驾驶他的涡轮增压保时捷获得勒芒拉力赛亚军。Newman went on to race at Le Mans in 1979, placing second in his Turbo Porsche.

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阿帕网接入首批东海岸节点,位于麻省剑桥的博尔特、贝拉尼克和纽曼。Arpanet gets first East Coast node, at Bolt, Beranek and Newman in Cambridge, Mass.

纽曼家族拥有包括灯塔在内的这片土地,传到现在已经有好几代了。The land on which the lighthouse stands has been in the Newman family for generations.

身体与头脑的健康乃天赐之福,如果我们能承受的话。Health of body and mind is a great blessing, if we can bear it. John Henry Cardinal Newman.

该片大为叫座,并为纽曼带来首次奥斯卡提名。The film was a major box office hit and bagged Newman the first of his 10 Oscar nominations.

在20世纪70年代以前,纽曼花园一直向伦敦市场供应蔬菜和花卉。As late as the 1970s, the Newman gardens supplied vegetables and flowers to London’s markets.

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“是呀!确实要那么办才行,”纽曼回答说。接着他冷冷地笑了笑补充说。Yes. No doubt that's what will be done, " replied Newman , and added with a mirthless laugh."

“当时有许多的江湖骗子打着炼金术的名号招摇撞骗,特别是在欧洲贵族圈子里,”Newman博士说。“There were a lot of charlatans, especially in the noble courts of Europe, ” said Dr. Newman.

他们育有三个女儿,其中两个是纽曼与前妻杰姬威特所生。They have three daughters and Newman has two daughters from his first marriage to Jackie Witte.